oleh | Jan 17, 2018 | News

[:ID]YOGYAKARTA. Rumah Zakat menggandeng Cita Sehat untuk kembali menggelar Posyandu Lansia di Kabupaten Bantul, tepatnya di Kelurahan Jambidan, Kecamatan Banguntapan pada Selasa (16/02).

“Hari ini kami melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan lansia, serta melakukan Home Visit untuk melihat kondisi kesehatan lansia yang menjalani bed rest di rumahnya,” kata Afrezah, Public Health CIta Sehat Yogyakarta.

Adalah Mbah Saniyem, salah satu lansia yang rutin mengikuti Posyandu. Usianya yang sudah mencapai angka 88 tahun, membuat ia harus berjalan menggunakan rotan sebagai penyangga. Itulah sebabnya ia selalu ditemani pulang usai Posyandu selesai.

“Mbah Saniyem itu salah satu lansia yang rajin ikut Posyandu. Dan kebiasaan yang paling ia senangi yaitu ditemani saat pulang sambil mengobrol. Biasanya Mbah akan bercerita mengenai keluhan dan kegiatannya sehari-hari,” lanjut Afrezah.

Dari tempat pelaksaan Posyandu menuju rumah Mbah Saniyem berjarak 250 meter.

Hari itu, Mbah berjalan tidak menggunakan sandal, ditengah perjalanan kakinya terkena kawat. Afrezah dengan sigap kembali membawa Mbah ke Posyandu dan mengobati lukanya.

“Mbahnya tidak mau pakai sandal mungkin karena risih, katanya lengket tidak enak pake sandal. Saat tau kakinya terluka, kami langsung membersihkan luka akibat terkena kawat itu,” ujar Afrezah.

Selain melakukan pemeriksaan kepada lansia dirumah, Afrezah bersama tim juga memberikan edukasi kepada keluarga mengenai cara merawat dan bagaimana agar lebih peka terhadap kebutuhan dan keinginan lansia sehingga mereka merasa nyaman.

“Semoga dengan hadirnya Posyandu Lansia ini dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan lansia seperti Mbah Saniyem ini,” pungkas Afrezah.

Newsroom/Nurul Rahayu
Yogyakarta[:en]YOGYAKARTA. Rumah Zakat took Cita Sehat to conduct Elderly Posyandu in Bantul District, precisely in Jambidan Village, Banguntapan District on Tuesday (16/02).

“Today we conduct an elderly health examination, as well as conducting Home Visit to see the health condition of elderly who underwent bed rest at home, “said Afrezah, Public Health of CIta Sehat Yogyakarta.

It is Mbah Saniyem, one of the elderly who regularly follow Posyandu, her age who has reached the number of 88 years, making her have to walk using rattan as a buffer. That is why she always accompanied home after Posyandu done.

“Mbah Saniyem is one of the elderly who diligently participates in Posyandu activity, and she really likes to be accompanied while go back home while chatting. Usually Mbah Saniyem will tell you about the complaints and their daily activities, “continued Afrezah.

From the place of Posyandu’s implementation to Mbah Saniyem’s house is 250 meters away, that day, Mbah walked not using sandals, amid the journey, his feet stuck by a wire. Afrezah swiftly brought Mbah back to Posyandu and treat the wound.

“Mbah Saniyem do not want to wear sandals may be because it is uncomfortable, she said it sticky wearing sandals. When her feet were injured, we immediately cleaned the wounds” said Afrezah.

In addition to checking the elderly at home, Afrezah with the team as well provide education to families on how to care for and how to be more sensitive to the needs and desires of the elderly so they feel comfortable.

“Hopefully with the presence of Posyandu can improve welfare of elderly like Mbah Saniyem “concluded Afrezah.

Newsroom / Nurul Rahayu
