Banyak di antara balita kita ada di antara orang-orang dewasa di rumahnya. Sehari-hari balita berhadapan dengan ayah, ibu, tante-omnya, kakek nenek, atau asisten rumah tangga. Kadangkala rumah mereka pun berada di lingkungan yang tak banyak anak-anak. Apakah kondisi tersebut bisa memengaruhi tumbuh kembang anak?
[:en]Many of our toddlers are among adults in their homes. Everyday toddlers face their fathers, mothers, uncles, grandparents, or household assistants. Sometimes their homes are in an environment where there are not many children.
Can these conditions affect the growth of children? According to psychologist Anna Surti Ariani actually children really need adults in their care. Adults who are needed are mature adults, love children, are also consistent in carrying out parenting. So it’s not an unstable adult. If a house is filled with adults like this, then the child gets the maximum benefit for his development. For example, children learn to interact with people with different personalities. Children can also observe cooperation or interactions that are intertwined among adults.
However, if there are always changing adults (such as servants always changing) or existing adults are those who make trouble with each other or continue to fight, then the child actually suffered a loss by being in a large family home.
An example of a loss, if an adult is always changing (for example the caregiver keeps changing), then the rules of possibility change too. Children become confused in obeying. Even though every rule changes, children need to adapt to the first phase. There are some differences in the benefits of playing with older, peer, and younger friends.
Playing with older friends, children will learn to follow, observe, monitor, imitate, and so on. Playing with younger friends makes children learn to be leaders, protect, and look after. While playing with peers makes children learn to interact equally.
“Various social skills such as getting acquainted, sharing, asking for help, and helping each other can greatly develop when children play with their peers,” Anna told Republika recently.
Even so, it is still important for children to interact with people older or younger because there are benefits that children get. When playing with friends (playing date) the child can actually be released naturally.
“Parents should not worry too much. Because if they are too worried, the child actually captures the concerns of parents and even cannot play freely,” explained the winner of the University of Indonesia Development Psychology Master’s degree in Science.
However, parents always need to know what children are doing children who are playing together and where they carry out their activities. Do not let the children do activities that are dangerous, fight each other, or hurt each other. Do not let the child play in a dangerous place.
“The smaller the age of the child, the more necessary adult assistance, although not attached to the child. Must remain a little distance,” said Anna. The greater the age of the child, the accompaniment can be more loose but adults who are responsible for them need to know the activity carried out by children.[:]