SAPURAN. Sunday (9/12). The Sapuran Village Facilitator, Ita Dwi visited assisted member namely Ardi and Nur who were involved in carp nurseries. After getting capital to buy goldfish seed, now the business has begun to produce.
“The demand for goldfish seeds is very high, but production is not much because the broods are still small and the land is still not adequate,” said Ardi.
Meanwhile, Nur Nur complained about fish feed which does not require a lot of money. But thank God this Mas Nur has started to hatch, according to the facilitator’s observation while visiting the livestock location, Mas Nur is also making a new pond to move the fishlings that have started a lot.
“Hopefully, these fish seeds can be sold immediately to buy fish feed, which is quite expensive.” Said Nur.
Ardi this week has been able to sell seven glasses of goldfish (7 glasses containing approximately 50 fish) at a price of 25 thousand per glass. “Alhamdulillah, even though it is only a little, but it can be used to increase capital to buy fish food,” Ardi added.
Asih Sholihah / Abdullah Thabit