[:ID]CILEGON. Sebanyak 10 Kordinator Wilayah (Korwil) dan 26 Mentor mengikuti penggemblengan selama dua hari pada tanggal 11-12 November 2017 di SMKIT Istana Mulia Cinangka Serang. Kegiatan tersebut dalam rangka Upgrading Mentor Anak Juara Rumah Zakat Cilegon dengan mengusung tema “Menjadi Mentor Paling Bahagia”.
“Selama dua hari ini kami telah memberikan beberapa materi dan simulasi agar korwil dan mentor memiliki rasa bahagia saat membina anak-anak, bahagia saat dibina serta anak didiknya merasa bahagia saat dibina olehnya”. Jelas Zaenudin Scholarsip Management.
Sementara Ali Nurhasan, Branch Manager Rumah Zakat mengatakan kepada peserta upgrading “jika mindset kita diisi dengan kata Bahagia maka kita akan selalu bahagia dalam menjalankan segala aktifitas apapun terutama saat membina anak – anak juara”, Ali pun mengatakan bahwa Korwil dan Mentor adalah keluarga besar dari Rumah Zakat Cilegon yang disambut dengan tepuk tangan dan gema takbir dari para peserta.
Hadir tamu istimewa yaitu Arif Taat Ujianto sebagai Direktur Indonesia Juara Foundation untuk memberikan motivasi dan transfer energy bahagia kepada korwil dan mentor yang hadir saat itu.
Selain menghadirkan Direktur, panitia juga mengundang berbagai pemateri yang ahli dibidangnya yaitu Mukhlisin Sidiq, S.Pd., Msi. Memberikan materi tentang “pentingnya mentoring”, Ahmad subari tentang “Mengenal dan Memahami Karaktek Anak”, Ahmad Alimin, S.Mn tentang menelisik potensi diri dan orang lain”.
Selain disuguhi berbagai materi peserta juga berkesempatan nonton bareng dilapangan SMKIT Istana Mulia.
Dihari kedua kegiatan ugrading disi dengan outbond untuk membentuk mental dan fisik para korwil dan mentor.
“acaranya keren dan seru, harapannya tahun depan lebih seru lagi” ujar Mahjunah salah satu peserta dari wilayah Cibeber.
Dalam kesempatan upgrading mentor kali ini telah diumumkan korwil dan mentor terbaik yang diraih oleh Saidatul Hajijah selaku Korwil Cilegon dan Mimi Rusmiyati selaku mentor Cibeber Karangasem.
Sumber: http://www.rzcilegon.com/2017/11/korwil-mentor-anak-juara-cilegon-gelar.html[:en]The total of 10 Regional Coordinators (Korwil) and 26 Mentors participated in the two days of training on 11-12 November 2017 at SMKIT Istana Mulia Cinangka Serang. The activity is in order Upgrading Mentor Anak Champion Rumah Zakat Cilegon with the theme “Becoming the happiest Mentor”.
“During these two days, we have given some materials and simulations so that the korwil and mentor have a sense of happiness while fostering children, happy while being nurtured and his students feel happy when nurtured by him”. Clearly Zaenudin Scholarship Management.
While Ali Nurhasan, the Branch Manager of Rumah Zakat, said to the upgrading participants “if our mindset is filled with the word” happy “then we will always be happy in carrying out any activities especially when fostering champion children”, Ali said that Korwil and Mentor are big families from Rumah Zakat Cilegon greeted with applause and echo takbir from the participants.
The special guests were Arif Taat Ujianto as the Director of Indonesia’s Champion Foundation to provide motivation and happy energy transfer to the Corps and mentors who were present at the time.
In addition to presenting the Director, the committee also invited various experts who are experts in their fields namely Mukhlisin Sidiq, S.Pd., Msi. Providing material about “the importance of mentoring”, Ahmad Subari about “Know and Understand Child’s Practice”, Ahmad Alimin, S.Mn about searching for self-potential and others “.
In addition to being treated to various materials, participants also had the opportunity to watch together in the field of SMKIT Istana Mulia.
In the second day, ugrading activities are disbursed with outbound to form the mental and physical of the korwil and mentor.
“The show is cool and exciting, hope next year more exciting again” said Mahjunah one of the participants from the Cibeber region.
On the occasion of mentor upgrading, this time has been announced the best korwil and mentor achieved by Saidatul Hajijah as Korwil Cilegon and Mimi Rusmiyati as mentor Cibeber Karangasem.
Sumber: http://www.rzcilegon.com/2017/11/korwil-mentor-anak-juara-cilegon-gelar.html[:]