oleh | Feb 6, 2017 | News

[:ID]KORNET SUPERQURBAN UNTUK KORBAN TERDAMPAK BANJIR SURABAYASURABAYA. Luapan Kali Lamong mengakibatkan banjir di Kelurahan sumber Rejo, Kecamatan Pakal, Surabaya. Banjir ini semakin diperparah dengan adanya tanggul yang jebol di Kali Lamong pada (05/02).

Berdasarkan situasional report oleh Dwi Achmad, Relawan RZ Surabaya, terdapat 4 RW yang terdampak dengan jumlah KK sekitar 1380 KK dan Rata-rata ketinggian air sekitar 30-40 cm.

“Jumlah korban luka dan meninggal tidak ada. Dampak fisik sebagian besar rumah terdampak dan tidak ada kerusakan yang terjadi, sedangkan untuk fasilitas umum seperti masjid, jembatan, dan kantor kelurahan aman.” tutur Dwi Achmad, Relawan RZ Surabaya.

“Untuk titik pengungsian, sementara warga bertahan di rumah masing-masing, dan sebagian warga mengungsi di rumah tetangga yang tidak terendam air.” tambahnya.

Minggu siang (05/02) para relawan mendatangi tempat kejadian untuk melakukan assessment, dan di malam harinya mereka menyalurkan bantuan berupa 48 kornet Superqurban untuk kebutuhan dapur umum di lokasi banjir. Selain Relawan RZ Surabaya juga turut bersinergi membuat tanggul buatan penahan air. Adapun kebutuhan yang dibutuhkan saat ini di lokasi bencana adalah kebutuhan logistik.

Surabaya[:en]KORNET SUPERQURBAN UNTUK KORBAN TERDAMPAK BANJIR SURABAYASURABAYA. Kali Lamong overflow caused flood in Rejo village, District Pakal, Surabaya. The flood was getting worst when Kali Lamong dam bursted on (05/02).

Based on the situational report by Achmad Dwi, RZ Surabaya Volunteer, there are 4 RW that were affected by the number of households around 1380 households and average water level of about 30-40 cm.

“There is no number of wounded and dead people. The majority of  physical Impact affected houses but there is no damage occured, whereas for the public facilities such as mosques, bridges, and the village office are safe.” Achmad Dwi said, RZ Surabaya Volunteer.

“To the point of evacuation, while residents stay in their houses, and some residents took refuge at a neighbor’s house that was not submerged in water.” he added.

Sunday afternoon (05/02) the volunteers came to the location to conduct an assessment, and in the evening they were distributing 48 Superqurban corned for the needs of the common kitchen on the location of the flood. In addition to RZ Surabaya Volunteers also work together to make artificial embankments retaining water. As for the requirements needed today in the disaster area is logistics needs.

Newsroom / Sandy