oleh | Nov 9, 2016 | News

[:ID]komando-resimen-mahasiswa-gandeng-rz-dalam-bakti-nasionalJAKARTA. Pada Rabu (09/11) Resimen Mahasiswa Indonesia bekerja sama dengan RZ mengadakan pengobatan gratis dalam rangka Bulan Bakti Nasional Komando Resimen Mahasiswa Indonesia dalam memperingati Hari Pahlawan 2016.

Dengan menggaungkan tema “Kami Peduli, Kami Berbagi” kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Aula Islamic Center Jakarta Utara. Kegiatan siaga sehat tersebut diantaranya meliputi penyuluhan kesehatan mengenai PHBS (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) yang disampaikan oleh dr. Iqbal.

Alhamdulillah warga sangat antusias dalam menyimak penyuluhan tersebut, terbukti dengan banyaknya pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh beberapa warga kepada pemateri. Usai penyuluhan kegiatan kemudian dilanjut dengan pengobatan gratis dengan tahapan pendaftaran, tensi darah oleh perawat, pemeriksaan kesehatan ke dokter dan terakhir pengambilan obat. Dalam kegiatan bakti sosial pengobatan gratis ini terdapat sebanyak 75 penerima manfaat.

“Terima kasih Resimen Mahasiswa dan RZ sudah mengadakan kegiatan pengobatan gratis. Saya dan anak saya bisa berobat disini, acaranya bagus dan bermanfaat,” tutur ibu Sami (62).

Zubaidi, dari Resimen Mahasiswa turut menyampaikan rasa terima kasihnya kepada RZ yang telah mensupport kegiatan tersebut. “Tadi antusias masyarakat sangat baik, kedepan mudah-mudahanan bisa berkerja sama lagi dengan RZ,” tuturnya.

“Alhamdulillah bisa terus menjalin sinergi dan berbagi kebahagiaan kepada warga masyarakat Jakarta agar bisa tetap sehat dan bugar. Semoga keberadaan RZ membawa kebermanfaatan dimanapun, dan berlimpah kebaikan di dunia dan akhirat. Salam sehat untuk warga Indonesia,” tutur Lutfiyana, Branch Manager RZ Jakarta.

Newsroom/Nur Lutfiyana
Jakarta[:en]komando-resimen-mahasiswa-gandeng-rz-dalam-bakti-nasionalJAKARTA. On Wednesday (11/09) Students Commando Regiment Indonesia in cooperation with RZ held free medical treatment in the framework of the National Service Month of Students Commando Regiment Indonesia in commemoration of Heroes Day, 2016.

By the theme of “We Care, We Share”, the activity held at the Hall of the activities of the Islamic Center of North Jakarta. The health preparedness activity includes health education on Clean and Healthy lifestyle delivered by dr. Iqbal.

Alhamdulillah residents are very enthusiastic in listening to the lectures, as evidenced by many questions asked by some locals to the presenters. After the health education, activity then continued with free medical treatment with the stages of registration, blood pressure check by nurses, doctors and medical examination to the last taking the drug. In this social activity of free treatment there are around 75 beneficiaries.

“Thank you and RZ Student Regiment has conducted free treatment. Me and my son can be treated here, the show nice and helpful, “said the mother of Sami (62).

Zubaidi, from the Student Regiment also expressed his gratitude to the RZ which has been supporting these activities. “Public enthusiasm is very good, Hopefully in the future ercan work together again with RZ,” he said.

“Alhamdulillah, we can continue to build synergies and share the happiness of the citizens of Jakarta in order to stay healthy and fit. Hopefully the presence of RZ bring usefulness wherever, and abundant goodness in the world and the hereafter. Keep healthy for the citizens of Indonesia, “said Lutfiyana, Branch Manager RZ Jakarta.

Newsroom/Nur Lutfiyana