oleh | Jun 17, 2016 | News

indexSUBANG. Pak Imat (39) tinggal di rumah sederhana bersama istri dan 1 orang anaknya di Desa Cisaat, Kec Ciater, Subang. Meski memiliki keterbatasan fisik, ia memilih untuk tetap produktif. Sehari-hari pak Imat adalah pengrajin souvenir berbahan kayu bambu berupa miniatur rumah adat, gelang, gantungan kunci dll. Setiap hari pak Imat dari pagi sampai sore duduk di depan rumah sambil membuat souvenir.

Pertemuan dengan RZ pun menjalankan program Budidaya Domba di desa Cisaat, saat itu Pak Imat tak mampu mengikuti program tersebut.

Namun ketika RZ menambah program Budidaya Daun Bawang, Pak Imat menyatakan ketertarikannya. Supaya menambah variasi aktivitas dan pendapatannya, pak Imat memelihara 50 polibag di pekarangannya. Program Budidaya Daun Bawang ini memiliki keunggulan dapat ditanam di lahan sempit dan harga panen yang relatif stabil.

Bulan Mei yang lalu panen perdana pak Imat bersama warga desa lainnya. Daun bawang ini mampu menambah penghasilan warga hingga Rp 700.000 per bulan.

“Pekerjaan pokok pak Imat sebagai pengrajin terus didampingi oleh RZ, terutama dari aspek pemasaran. Adapun di aspek produksi pak Imat membutuhkan tambahan alat produksi berupa solder khusus dan beberapa alat lainnya. Bahkan pak Imat pun masih ingin menambah bibit daun bawang untuk memenuhi pekarangannya, agar dapat menambah biaya sekolah anak semata wayangnya yang kini mau masuk TK.” papar Rico Ayatul Yuza, Relawan Inspirasi RZ.

Newsroom/Rico Ayatul Yuza
SubangindexSUBANG. Mr. Imat (39) lives in a modest home with his wife and his only child in Cisaat village, Ciater District, Subang. Despite physical limitation, he chose to remain productive. Mr. Imat is souvernir maker made from bamboo wood such as miniature custom home, bracelets, key chains etc. Every day from morning to evening Mr Iman sits in front of the house making the souvenirs.

RZ came to cisaat and then launched sheep raising program, Back then Mr. Iman could not follow the program.

But when RZ added new program which is Leek Cultivation, Mr. Iman expressed his interest on the program. In order to add variations in activity and revenue, Mr. Iman is taking care 50 polybags of leeks in his yard. Leek Cultivation has the advantage can be grown in small fields and harvest prices relatively stable.

Last May Mr.Iman along with other villagers had carried out the fist harvest. Leek is able to increase the income of residents up to Rp 700,000 per month.

“Mr. Iman’s main work as artisans continues accompanied by RZ, especially from the aspect of marketing. As for the aspects of production Mr. Iman requires additional production equipment in the form of a special solder and some other tools. Even Mr. Iman still wants to add the leek seedlings to be planted in his yard, in order to pay the school fees of his only child who now want to enter kindergarten, “said Rico Ayatul Yuza, RZ’s Inspiring Volunteer.

Newsroom/Rico Ayatul Yuza