[:ID]BOGOR (voa-islam.com)–YMN (Yayasan Masjid Nusantara) bersama RZ menyediakan layanan Mobile Masjid untuk suporter Piala AFF 2016, di Stadion Pakansari, Cibinong, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat.
Menurut informasi yang diterima YMN, Stadion Pakansari memiliki mushala di bagian dalam, namun tidak memungkinkan untuk menampung penonton yang datang saat itu.
“Masjid ini kami sediakan khusus untuk umat Islam yang ingin beribadah di stadion. Kami berpikir mungkin orang-orang kesulitan untuk mencari masjid. Jadi kami berinisatif untuk datangkan Mobile Masjid,” ujar Hamzah Patdri, Direktur YMN, Kamis (15/12).
Dalam layanan tersebut, Mobile Masjid YMN menyediakan sebanyak 500 liter air wudhu. Mobile Masjid sudah dibuka sejak pukul 13.30 WIB dan melayani sebanyak 300 orang pengunjung stadion dalam melaksanakan sholat Ashar dan Maghrib.
“Alhamdulillah keberadaan Mobile Masjid sangat luar biasa dalam melayani umat. Saya sangat mendukung dengan adanya Mobile Masjid. Semoga kegiatannya semakin banyak sehingga bisa terus hadir di acara publik seperti ini,” kata Wijaya, anggota Kesatuan Brimob Polda Jabar.
Mobile Masjid milik YMN mulai beroperasi sejak tahun 2013. Pada tahun 2016 ini, Mobile Masjid telah memberikan pelayanan shalat di 20 titik yang tersebar di Jakarta, Bandung dan sekitarnya.
Sumber: https://www.voa-islam.com/read/indonesiana/2016/12/15/47899/keren-ymn-sediakan-masjid-berjalan-untuk-suporter-piala-aff/[:en]BOGOR (voa-islam.com)–YMN (Yayasan Masjid Nusantara) and RZ provide Mobile mosque for supporters AFF Cup 2016, in Pakansari Stadium, Cibinong, Kab. Bogor, West Java.
According to information received by YMN, Pakansari Stadium has a prayer room on the inside, but it is not possible to accommodate spectators who came at that time.
“We provide this mosque especially for Muslims who want to perform worship at the stadium. We thought maybe the supporter difficult to find mosque. So we inititate to bring Mobile mosque”said Hamzah Patdri, Director of YMN, Thursday (15/12).
In these services, YMN’s Mobile Masjid provides as much as 500 liters of water for ablution. Mobile Masjid had been opened since 01:30 pm and served as many as 300 people in a stadium for Asr and Maghrib prayers.
“Thank God the existence of Mobile Mosque is extraordinary in serving the people. I strongly support the presence of Mobile Mosque. Hopefully more and more activities can be done by the mobile mosque so that it can continue to be present at a public event like this, “said Wijaya, Brimob West Java Police
Mobile mosque belongs to YMN in operation since 2013. In 2016, Mobile Masjid has provide prayer services at the 20 point spread in Jakarta, Bandung and its surroundings.
Sumber: https://www.voa-islam.com/read/indonesiana/2016/12/15/47899/keren-ymn-sediakan-masjid-berjalan-untuk-suporter-piala-aff/[:]