oleh | Feb 15, 2018 | News

[:ID]PACITAN (15/02). Kabupaten pacitan, Jawa Timur dikenal dengan 1001 gowa dan pantai yg indah, khas dengan alam bebatuannya. Tidak terkecuali lokasi Desa Berdaya, Desa Bandar, Kec. Bandar, Kab. Pacitan.

Desa sejuk yg berada di ketinggian 900-1000 mdpl ini mayoritas tanahnya subur, dikelola untuk komoditas pertanian. Namun di beberapa titik hanya berupa bukit berbatu, salah satunya bukit batu di dusun salam.

“Kalau kemarau gersang, kalau hujan ya kelihatan hijau begini mbak,ditumbuhi rumput tipis, tp itu semua batu” ujar pak slamet, Warga Dusun Salam

Pemandangan alam yang indah melatarbelakangi Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Bandar, Eny Purwanti untuk mengelola bukit batu menjadi bukit bunga agar lebih bermanfaat, lestari dan bisa menjadi salah satu sarana rekreasi warga.

“Kami senang jika lingkungan bisa lebih maju, nanti masyarakat bisa kita libatkan gotong royong”, ujar pak Peno, selaku ketua RT Dusun Salam.

Newsroom / Dani Suhardi
Pacitan[:en]PACITAN (15/02). Pacitan regency, East Java is known as 1001 gowa and beautiful beach, typical with natural rock. No exception Empowered Village location, Village Bandar, Kec. Bandar, Kab. Pacitan.

The village which is in altitude 900-1000 Masl is the majority of fertile land, managed for agricultural commodities. But at some point just a rocky hill, one of the rock hills in salam hamlet.

“If dry the land is drought, if rain it looks green like this mbak, overgrown with grass, but it all stones “said pak slamet, citizens of Hamlet Salam

Beautiful natural landscape become the reason of Bandar Empowered village Facilitator, Eny Purwanti to manage the rock hill into a flower hill to be more useful, sustainable and can be one of the recreational facilities of citizens.

“We are happy if the environment can be more advanced, then we can involve the community to help each other “, said Pak Peno, as the head of RT Salam Hamlet.

Newsroom / Dani Suhardi
