oleh | Jan 21, 2019 | Inspirasi

[:ID]One of the strengths of the people who must be constantly guarded and maintained with sincerity is the strength of the congregation, both in worship and muamalah. Congregation in worship such as in the Fardu prayer will create the power of Ukhuwah Islamiyah and at the same time will give birth to the ummah’s dignity.

As stated in QS al-Fath [48]: 29 “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and the people who are with him are firm against the unbelievers, but are affectionate to their neighbors. You see they bow and prostrate to seek the grace of God and His pleasure … ”

People who like to congregate in worship especially in mosques will be guarded by Allah SWT from various kinds of calamities which lead to evil. If you also get disaster, problems and challenges in your life, then the end is goodness and blessing.

Rasulullah SAW said in the Hadith of Imam Hakim’s History, “If Allah SWT will bring down an illness, it will be kept away from those who like to prosper the mosque (worship in congregation).” Even if the person is sick, then the tip of the pain will be forgiven all his sins and mistakes.

If his life suffers shortages, the doors of sustenance will be opened by Allah SWT. Conversely, if the person gets various blessings from Allah SWT, such as health, wealth, position, and position, then the end is goodness and benefit.

The habits and sincerity of congregations in worship are expected to bring the awareness of congregations in their efforts to improve living standards and prosperity together.

For example, to build the economic strength of the people, togetherness and harmony are needed both in building quality human resources, strong economic institutions, and even a lot of capital.

The sharia economic movement which has been promoted since the last few years, is essentially a joint movement to help each other, support and support various groups of people, with the aim of improving the economy of the people.

Likewise in the world of education, this congregation is absolutely necessary because education is a long process and practice that requires considerable energy, and this energy can be obtained by building collective awareness or awareness in congregation.[:en]One of the strengths of the people who must be constantly guarded and maintained with sincerity is the strength of the congregation, both in worship and muamalah. Congregation in worship such as in the Fardu prayer will create the power of Ukhuwah Islamiyah and at the same time will give birth to the ummah’s dignity.

As stated in QS al-Fath [48]: 29 “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and the people who are with him are firm against the unbelievers, but are affectionate to their neighbors. You see they bow and prostrate to seek the grace of God and His pleasure … ”

People who like to congregate in worship especially in mosques will be guarded by Allah SWT from various kinds of calamities which lead to evil. If you also get disaster, problems and challenges in your life, then the end is goodness and blessing.

Rasulullah SAW said in the Hadith of Imam Hakim’s History, “If Allah SWT will bring down an illness, it will be kept away from those who like to prosper the mosque (worship in congregation).” Even if the person is sick, then the tip of the pain will be forgiven all his sins and mistakes.

If his life suffers shortages, the doors of sustenance will be opened by Allah SWT. Conversely, if the person gets various blessings from Allah SWT, such as health, wealth, position, and position, then the end is goodness and benefit.

The habits and sincerity of congregations in worship are expected to bring the awareness of congregations in their efforts to improve living standards and prosperity together.

For example, to build the economic strength of the people, togetherness and harmony are needed both in building quality human resources, strong economic institutions, and even a lot of capital.

The sharia economic movement which has been promoted since the last few years, is essentially a joint movement to help each other, support and support various groups of people, with the aim of improving the economy of the people.

Likewise in the world of education, this congregation is absolutely necessary because education is a long process and practice that requires considerable energy, and this energy can be obtained by building collective awareness or awareness in congregation.


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