oleh | Mei 24, 2016 | News

KEGIATAN SIMULASI TP2KL RELAWAN INSPIRASI RZ AKAN TAYANG DI JOGJA TVKLATEN. Pada hari Senin (23/05), Relawan Inspirasi RZ ICD Sengon – Prambanan bersinergi dengan Posyandu Lansia menggelar rangkaian Simulasi TP2KL (Tindakan Pertolongan Pertama Kecelakaan Lansia) di Balai Desa Kebondalem Kidul.

Adapun Relawan Inspirasi adalah Relawan RZ yang melakukan implementasi program pemberdayaan di bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, kesehatan dan lingkungan di desa binaan RZ dan menjadikan desa tersebut sebagai desa percontohan.

Acara Simulasi TP2KL dihadiri oleh Bapak Lurah, Bagus Hanafi dan juga ibu Lurah, Amah Sudarwanto. Selain itu beberapa Bidan Desa Kusrini Smile Hastuti Bintari, perwakilan PNS Puskesmas Kebondalem pun turut hadir dalam acara tersebut. Sebanyak 50 orang Lansia dari perwakilan masing-masing Posyandu Lansia yang ada di desa tersebut pun hadir memeriahkan acara ini.

“Suara Hotline Armala Relawan Inspirasi 085713013010 berdering karena ada laporan dari salah satu warga di Desa Kebondalem telah terjadi kecelakaan Lansia di depan halaman rumahnya, dan status Lansia tersebut tdk sadarkan diri. Ada beberapa luka di lengan akibat terjatuh, korban bernama ibu Harmani (65).

Para tetangga dengan sigap membantu untuk evakuasi korban tersebut dan dirujuk ke RS terdekat.
” Rahmad Widodo, Relawan Inspirasi RZ menceritakan skenario simulasi

Acara Sinergi Komunitas antara Relawan Inspirasi dan Posyandu Lansia ini dibuka dengan kata sambutan Bapak Lurah dan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi TP2KL.

Acara ini juga berhasil menarik perhatian TV lokal setempat, terbukti dengan diliputnya kegiatan ini untuk kemudian ditayangkan di channel JogjaTV pada hari Selasa ini tanggal (24/05) pukul 17.30 WIB ini, dalam program siaran Seputar Jogja.



Newsroom/Rico Ayatul Yuza
KEGIATAN SIMULASI TP2KL RELAWAN INSPIRASI RZ AKAN TAYANG DI JOGJA TV KLATEN. On Monday (05/23) RZ Inspiring Volunteer of ICD Sengon – Prambanan in synergy with IHC Elderly held a series of TP2KL (First Aid on Accident to Elderly) simulations at Village Hall of Kebondalem Kidul.

RZ Inspiring Volunteer are volunteers that implement empowerment programs in the fields of economy, education, health and the environment in the village under RZ guidance and make the village as a pilot village.

TP2KL simulation was attended by head district, Mr. Bagus Hanafi and wife, Mrs. Amah Sudarwanto. Besides that some village midwife Kusrini Smile Hastuti Bintari, The official representatives from Kebondalem health center also attended the event. A total of 50 elderly from a representative of each Elderly IHC in the village was also present in this event.

“Voice Hotline of Armala the Inspiring Volunteer (085713013010) rang because there is a report that one of elderly in Kebondalem village had an accident in front of her yard, and the status of the elderly is unconscious. There were several injuries in the arm from the fall, the victim’s is Harmani (65).

The neighbors nimbly helped to evacuate the victims and referred to the nearest hospital.
“Rahmat Widodo, RZ Inspiring Volunteer told the simulation scenario of TP2KL.

The synergy between the Community and Inspiring Volunteer and IHC Elderly was opened with remarks by district head and continued with the presentation material about TP2KL.

The event also attracted the attention of local TV, as evidenced by this activity it covers for later broadcast on JogjaTV on Tuesday (05/24) at 05:30 pm, in the broadcast program about Jogja.


Newsroom/Rico Ayatul Yuza