oleh | Nov 19, 2018 | News

[:ID]BANDUNG. Warga Babakan Ciparay dikejutkan dengan luapan api yang membakar sejumlah kios kayu dan beberapa rumah. Kebakaran hebat melanda kawasan Jl. Babakan Ciparay, Gg. Satatasariska RT 08 RW 04, Kelurahan Sukahaji, Kecamatan Babakan Ciparay, Kota Bandung. Kebakaran ini terjadi pada dini hari tadi sekitar pukul 03.50 WIB. Dugaan sementara kebakaran diakibatkan karena adanya pembakaran sampah disalah satu kios kayu.

Bantuan mobil kebakaran langsung dikirimkan oleh Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Bandung yang berhasil mengerahkan 13 Unit mobil pemadam kebakaran. 7 unit mobil dikerahkan dari Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Kab. Bandung dan beberapa unit mobil pemadam kebakaran yang lain dikerahkan dari Kota Cimahi.

Tidak ada korban jiwa dalam musibah ini, namun ada satu orang korban mengalami luka bakar dan telah dievakuasi ke RS Immanuel.

Jumlah korban lain tercatat sebanyak 40 kios kayu, 30 rumah nonpermanen, 5 unit mobil dan 2 unit sepeda motor habis dilalap si jago merah dalam seketika. Korban sangat terpukul kehilangan harta bendanya dalam waktu singkat habis menjadi abu. Korban langsung di evakuasi ke tempat pengungsian di kantor Pos RW.

Dalam aksinya Rumah Zakat memberikan layanan pos hangat untuk warga terdampak dan para relawan yang sedang bertugas di wilayah pengungsian. Bantuan yang dirimkan berupa minuman hangat yang diberikan secara gratis. Sebanyak 120 gelas minuman hangat telah dinikmati warga dan relawan.

Warga yang terdampak musibah kebakaran mengaku senang dan terbantu dengan adanya bantuan dari Rumah Zakat. “Saat kejadian, hanya sebuah televisi, beberapa tumpukan baju, dan sedikit barang kecil lain, yang dapat saya selamatkan. Barang yang tidak terselamatkan termasuk buku dan seragam sekolah milik cucu laki-laki saya, yang masih kelas dua SMP juga ikut terbakar. Terima kasih Rumah Zakat, sudah datang dan memeberikan bantuan kepada kami”, ujar Ibu Srimaryati (62 thn) salah satu warga terdampak yang relawan temui di tempat pengungsiannya.

Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:en]BANDUNG. Babakan Ciparay residents were shocked by the fire which burned a number of wooden kiosks and several houses. A great fire hit the area Jl. Babakan Ciparay, Gg. Satatasariska RT 08 RW 04, Kelurahan Sukahaji, Kecamatan Babakan Ciparay, Kota Bandung. This fire occurred in the early hours of this morning around 03:50 WIB. Suspect while the fire was caused due to the burning of garbage in one of the wooden kiosks.

Fire engine was sent directly by the Bandung City Fire Service, 13 units of fire engine deployed in this accident. 7 cars were mobilized from the Bandung Regency Fire Department and several other fire engine units were deployed from Cimahi.


There were no fatalities in this disaster, but one victim suffered burns and was evacuated to Immanuel Hospital.

The number of other victims was recorded as many as 40 wooden kiosks, 30 non-permanent houses, 5 units of cars and 2 units of motorbikes burned down. The victim was very devastated to lose their property in a short time to ashes. The victim was immediately evacuated to the refugee camp at the RW Post Office.

In its action, the Rumah Zakat provides a warm post – post to provide drinks  for affected residents and volunteers who are on duty in the refugee area. The assistance provided is in the form of warm drinks provided free of charge. 120 glasses of warm drinks have been enjoyed by residents and volunteers.

Residents who were affected by the fire claimed they were happy and helped by the assistance of Rumah Zakat.

“At the time of the incident, only a television, several piles of clothes, and a few other small items, which I could save, iItems that were not saved included books and school uniforms belonging to my grandson, who were still in the second grade of junior high. Rumah Zakat has come and provided assistance to us, “said Ms. Srimaryati (62 years), one of the affected residents.


Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:]