[:ID]PONTIANAK – Musim kemarau sudah melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia, akibat kemarau ini Hutan dan Lahan gersang terbakar di Pontianak tepatnya di jalan perdana komp Bali Agung 3 dan Purnama 2 Ujung, Gg Mandiri.
Merespon kejadian ini, sejak hari pertama kebakaran Senin (05/08) Relawan Rumah Zakat Action Bersama BPBD Kota Pontianak, PMI Kota Pontianak Serta TNI POLRI serta pemadam swasta Swadesi borneo melakukan pemadaman karhutla.
“Team bergerak dari pagi hingga siang ini, perkiraan kedalaman api di tanah gambut di jarak 1 hingga 2 meter, sehingga team harus benar benar menyemprot ke dalam dalam akar bahkan tanah” ujar Asrul, Branch Manager Rumah Zakat Pontianak.
Sampai saat ini tim masih berada di lokasi lahan terbakar, selain itu sebagian tim Rumah Zakat Action membagikan vitamin kepada petugas pemadam.
“Mohon doanya, untuk terus bergerak, team diberikan kesehatan” tambah Asrul.
Asrul / Hanaa Afifah[:en]The dry season has hit several regions in Indonesia. Due to this drought, forests and arid land burned in Pontianak precisely in the main road of Komp Bali Agung 3 and Purnama 2 Ujung, Gg Mandiri.
Responding to this incident, since the first day of the fire, Monday (05/08), volunteers of Rumah Zakat Action together with Pontianak City BPBD, Pontianak City PMI as well as the Indonesian National Police and the private Swadesi Borneo worked together to extinguish the forest fire and land fires.
“The teams have been continuously moving from morning to this late afternoon. The fire even reached the ground of an estimated depth 1 to 2 meters deep, so the team must really spray into the roots and even the ground” said Asrul, Branch Manager of Pontianak Zakat House.
Until now the team is still on the location of the burning land, in addition, some of the Zakat action home team is distributing vitamins to firefighters.
“Please pray, to give strength and health for the team to continue working” added Asrul.
Hanaa Afifah[:]