[:ID]PONTIANAK. Asap masih saja terus mengepul tebal di area lahan yang terbakar. Team Relawan yang tergabung diantaranya Rumah Zakat, BPBD, SWADESI BORNEO dan Relawan lain mencoba
untuk terus memadamkan titik api hingga masuk ke dalam hutan sejauh 240 Meter didukung hanya dengan sambungan selang air sebanyak 8 sambungan.
Di luar lahan, Ambulan sudah bersiap siaga mengantisipasi jika ada pemadam yang membutuhkan pertolongan akibat sesak nafas dan hal yang berbahaya lainnya.
Selain di Sepakat 2 Utan, pemadaman juga dilakukan di Titik Api Parit H Husain 2 dan Perdana Kota Pontianak.
“Mohon doanya sahabat, agar para relawan diberikan kelancaran untuk memadamkan titik-titik api,” tutur Asrul, Branch Manager Rumah Zakat Pontianak.
Kuna / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PONTIANAK. Smoke still continues to billow thickly in the burned area. Volunteer team members include Rumah Zakat, BPBD, BORNEO SWADESI and other volunteers try to continue to extinguish the hotspots until they enter the forest as far as 240 meters and supported only with a connection of water hose as much as 8 connections.
Outside the land, Ambulan is ready to anticipate if there are firefighters who need help due to shortness of breath and other dangerous things.
In addition to Agree 2 Utan, blackouts were also carried out at the Parit H Husain 2 Fire Point and the Prime City of Pontianak.
“Please pray for us, so that the volunteers are given fluency to extinguish fires,” said Asrul, Branch Manager of the Pontianak Zakat House.
Kuna / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]