oleh | Jan 8, 2018 | News

[:ID]BALIKPAPAN. Sabtu (06/01), pukul 00.15 Wita telah terjadi kebakaran di wilayah RT 11,12, 13, 22, 23 Kel. Klandasan Ulu Kec. Balkot, Balikpapan. Penyebab kebakaran berasal dari kediaman keluarga Pak Mun warga RT 13 akibat arus pendek listrik. Api baru berhasil dipadamkan pada pukul 03.55 Wita.

Kerugian akibat kebakaran diperkirakan kurang lebih 203 unit rumah dan 1 gedung Sekolah Dasar habis terbakar.

Hari ini, Rumah Zakat melalui Relawan Nusantara mendistribusikan bantuan untuk korban kebakaran di Klandasan Ulu. “Adapun bentuk bantuan yg didistribusikan Rumah Zakat untuk warga yg terdampak bencana kebakaran diantaranya berupa 30 dus air mineral, 13 dus susu UHT, 3 dus biskuit, 2 dus kornet Superqurban, 2 snack anak-anak, dan hygiene kit,” ujar Ahmad koordinator Relawan Rumah Zakat Balikpapan.

“Selain distribusi bantuan kami pun memberikan hiburan kepada anak-anak di pos pengungsian dengan menghadirkan tokoh hiburan untuk anak-anak yaitu Bat Man. Anak-anak nampak begitu antusias. Semoga bantuan ini dapat membantu meringankan kebutuhan warga dan juga anak-anak di Pos Pengungsian bisa terhibur”, tambahnya.

“Alhamdulillah, terima kasih banyak atas bantuanya Bapak/Ibu donatur dan teman-teman Rumah Zakat. Semoga kita semua selalu diberi kesehatan dan keberkahan rezeki untuk bapak/ibu”, ujar Pak Udin kepala LPM posko bantuan.


Newsroom/ Dea Sukmara
Balikpapan[:en]BALIKPAPAN. Saturday (06/01) at 00:15 pm there has been a fire in the area of RT 11.12, 13, 22, 23 in Kubasan Ulu district, Balkot districts, Balikpapan City. The cause of the fire came from the residence of Mr. Mun family of RT 13 residents due to electric short circuit. The new fire was successfully extinguished at 03:55 pm.

Fire losses are estimated at approximately 203 houses and one elementary school building burned out.

Today, Volunteers Rumah Zakat distributes aid for fire victims in Klandasan Ulu. “The forms of aid distributed by Rumah Zakat for the people affected by the fire disaster include 30 dus mineral water, 13 milk dairy UHT, 3 boxes of biscuits, 2 corned beetroot Superqurban, 2 snack children, and hygiene kit,” said Ahmad coordinator Volunteer Rumah Zakat Balikpapan.

“In addition to the distribution of aid we also provide entertainment to children at the refugee camp by presenting entertainment figures for the children of Bat Man. The children seemed so enthusiastic. Hope this can help alleviate the needs of the citizens and also children in the Post Displacement can be entertained,” he added.

“Alhamdulillah, thank you very much for your help Mr / Mrs. donors and friends Rumah Zakat Hopefully we all always given the health and blessings of sustenance for the father / mother,” said Pak Udin head of LPM aid post.


Newsroom / Dea Sukmara
