[:ID]PROBOLINGGO. (23/08) Di lokasi peternakan Probolinggo proses penyembelihan hewan Superqurban masih berlangsung, sampai saat ini ribuan kambing dan ratusan sapi sudah disembelih dan bagian daging terbaiknya sudah diangkut ke Pabrik untuk proses pengolahan Superqurban.
Karena pada proses pembuatan kornet dan rendang Superqurban hanya menggunakan daging yang berkualitas, maka untuk kepala, tulang, jeroan dan bagian lainnya disalurkan langsung kepada penduduk di sekitar lokasi kandang, yaitu di Desa Berdaya Sepuh Gempol.
“Dari semua bagian hewan yang dipotong tidak ada yang terbuang, bagian kepala, tulang, jeroan, kulit dan bagian lainnya langsung dibagikan kepada warga dekat sekitar kandang, Alhamdulilah warga senang,” ujar Hermasyah, Koordinator Lapangan Superqurban 2018.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PROBOLINGGO. (08/23) At the Probolinggo farm location the process of slaughtering Superqurban animals is still ongoing, until now thousands of goats and hundreds of cows have been slaughtered and the best parts of the meat have been transported to the Factory to be processed into Superqurban.
Because in the process of making corned beef and rendang Superqurban only uses good quality meat, then for the head, bones, offal and other parts are distributed directly to the residents around the location of the enclosure, namely in the village of Berdaya Sepuh Gempol.
“Of all parts of animals was nothing wasted, the head, bones, innards, skin and other parts were immediately distributed to residents near the enclosure, Alhamdulilah the residents were happy,” said Hermasyah, 2018 Superqurban Field Coordinator.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:]