oleh | Feb 3, 2017 | Mitra Korporat, News

[:ID]JAWA BARAT PEDULI, KEMBALIKAN SENYUM WARGA BIMABIMA. Program Jawa Barat Peduli Banjir Bima merupakan sebuah program hasil kerja sama antara pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat, Bank Jawa Barat (BJB) dan RZ yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu warga Bima yang terkena dampak banjir bandang. Program ini dilaksanakan terhitung dari (11/01) hingga (28/01) yang berlokasi di wilayah terdampak bencana banjir bandang.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, terdapat empat program yang dilaksanakan yakni: (1). Bantuan pengecatan masjid/mushola, (2) Bantuan sarana dan prasarana sekolah berupa bantuan buku ajar, alat peraga, alat olah raga, mainan edukasi untuk TK dan tas sekolah lengkap dengan buku dan alat tulisnya, (3) Bantuan Sarana dan prasarana Masjid  berupa bantuan Alquran, Iqro’ mukena dan dan karpet sejadah, (4) Bantuan logistik, berupa bantuan perlengkapan masak (kompor gas, tabung gas, selang regulator, piring, wajan, panci sendok), kasur, hyigiene kits dan selimut.

“Banjir bandang terjadi sebanyak 2 kali yang melanda kota Bima, yakni pada Rabu (21/12) dan Jum’at (23/12) mengakibatkan ribuan rumah terendam, kegiatan prekonomian kota Bima lumpuh, fasilitas umum banyak yang rusak menjadikan 4 program diatas dianggap penting untuk recoveri pasca banjir,” Ungkap Anto, koordinator relawan RZ peduli Bima.

“Alhamdulillah, senang sekali atas bantuan kompor ini. Rumah saya berada tepat dipinggir kal, pas kejadian kami tidak bisa menyelamatkan barang-barang, hampir semua barang hanyut, yang tersisa tinggal sedikit.” ungkap Marwiyo, warga penaraga saat menerima bantuan alat masak.

“Sebelum pembagian kompor gas, atas permintaan warga untuk mensosialisasikan bagaiaman penggunaan kompor gas, kami pun melakukan demonstrasi bagaimana penggnaan kompor gas. maklum, warga masih kurang familiar dengan kompor gas” tutup Anto.

Bima[:en]BIMA. West Java Flood care or Jawa barat Peduli Banjir in Bima is a program of collaboration between the government of West Java province, Bank Jawa Barat (BJB) and RZ that designed specifically to help residents affected Bima flood. The program is implemented starting from (11/01) to (28/01) located in the area affected by the flood disaster.

In practice, there are four programs implemented namely: (1) Mosque renovation (painting), (2) provide school facilities and infrastructure in such as textbooks, teaching aids, sports equipment, educational toys for preschool and school bag complete with books and instruments he writes, (3) Community Facilities and infrastructure for Masjid like Koran, Iqro ‘mukena and and praying mat, (4) logistical assistance, such as cooking equipment (gas stove, gas tube, hose regulator, dishes, pans, pots spoon), mattresses, hygiene kits and blankets.

“The flood happened 2 times that hit the town of Bima on Wednesday (21/12) and Friday (23/12), so that thousands of homes were sunk. Bima economy activities was also paralysed, many public facilities were also damaged. Those condition made four programs above are important to recover post-flood, “Reveal Anto, RZ care for Bima volunteer coordinator.

“Thank God, I’m really happy having of this stove as assistance. My house is right alongside the river,  we could not save anything, almost all things are swept away by the flood.” said Marwiyo, Penaraga residents who receive cookware assistance.

“Before the distribution of gas stoves, by the request of residents, we socialized about how to use gas stoves. We also demonstrated of how to use gas stove. It’s understandable, because people here were still not familiar with gas stove,” Anto said.

Newsroom / Surianto