oleh | Jul 20, 2016 | Inspirasi

GATAL Diabetes is a disease that is susceptible suffered by people who have an unhealthy lifestyle or even derivatives. Some of the most common symptoms experienced by sufferers are frequent urination, excessive hunger, fatigue, weight loss, slow wound healing, nausea, headaches and more.

This disease is has no cure yet. However, the symptoms can be controlled with medications and healthy lifestyle changes. Reported by Boldsky, the following symptoms that was potentially experienced by diabetics.

Unwanted skin conditions

Abnormalities of insulin in the blood such as the existence of dark spots, blemishes and wrinkles on the skin. If someone is having a skin condition such as this, it is advisable to immediately consult the doctor to make sure the condition.

Lack of hearing ability

A study has shown that diabetes can affect blood vessels and nerves of hearing. So this affects a person’s hearing ability.


Some people with diabetes tend to experience itching all over his body, especially the hands and feet. Diabetes causes blood circulation to deteriorate and make the skin becomes dry.

Frequent tingling

If someone often experience tingling or numbness in certain parts of the body, it is advisable to carry out checks as soon as possible.

Bad breath

Symptoms of bad breath would be faced by diabetics even though he had to maintain oral hygiene. This is due to increased blood glucose levels.

Source: republika.co.id

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