oleh | Nov 26, 2018 | News

[:ID]Jakarta. Menindaklanjuti konferensi Pers pada hari Jum’at 23 November 2018 kemarin, terkait pemberian bantuan kepada Calon Jamaah Umroh yang menjadi korban penipuan.

Kegembiraan nampak terlihat pada wajah mereka. Termasuk Bu Rina, salah satu korban jamaah travel umroh yang sempat terpukul atas apa yang dialaminya kemarin. Jawaban do’a beliau telah Allah kabulkan diwaktu yang tepat. Hari ini Bu Rina beserta 5 orang korban travel umroh lainnya berangkat ke tanah suci dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta Jakarta terminal 3.

Selama di tanah suci, Bu Rina akan ditemani oleh anaknya bu Marianah. Semenjak mendapat kabar akan ada bantuan untuk memberangkatkan ke tanah suci, Segala persiapan telah dilakukan Bu rina, lahir maupun batin.

Ke enam jamaah umroh telah berkumpul dibandara sekitar pukul 7.30 wib. Sebelum berangkat seluruh jamaah melakukan briefing terlebih dahulu, setelah melakukan briefing dilanjutkan dengan doa dan foto bersama. Jamaah memasuki pintu keberangkatan tepat pukul 9.00 wib.

Alhamdulillah, Donasi yang diberikan melalui crowfunding sharinghappiness.org kini telah mengantar mereka pergi ke tanah suci.
Terima kasih #HappyPeople, Bersama Sharing Happiness dan Rumah Zakat akan berlanjut penggalangan donasi untuk berangkatkan sisa jemaah umroh lainnya.



Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:en]JAKARTA. Following up on the press conference on Friday, November 23, 2018 yesterday, related to the provision of assistance to prospective Umrah pilgrims who were victims of fraud.

Joy appeared on their faces. Including Mrs. Rina, one of the victims of the Umrah travel congregation who had been hit by what she experienced yesterday. The answer to his prayer has been Allah grant at the right time. Today Mrs. Rina along with 5 other travel umrah left for mecca from  Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Jakarta terminal 3.

While in mecca, Mrs. Rina will be accompanied by her son Bu Marianah. Since getting news there will be help to dispatch to the holy land, all preparations have been done by Mrs. Rina, both physically and mentally.

The six Umrah pilgrims gathered around 7:30 a.m. Before leaving the whole congregation made a briefing first, after conducting a briefing followed by a prayer and a group photo. The congregation enters the departure gate at exactly 9:00 a.m.

Alhamdulillah, the donation given through crowfunding sharinghappiness.org has now led them to go to mecca.

Thank you #HappyPeople, Together with Sharing Happiness and Zakat Houses will continue to raise donations to leave the rest of the Umrah congregation.



Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:]