oleh | Okt 7, 2016 | News

[:ID]jakarta-dilahab-si-jago-merah-rz-salurkan-bantuanJAKARTA. Kembali si jago merah melahab dan mengahuskan perkampungan padat penduduk pada (06/10) di Jl. Bunga RT 05/09 – Matraman, Jakarta. Namun kronologi kejadian timbulnya api belum dapat dipastikan,  dugaan sementara api berawal dari sisa puntung rokok salah satu warga yang masih menyala lalu dengan cepat menyambar pemukiman warga tersebut.

“Kebakaran tersebut terjadi sekitar pukul 00.15 WIB dan padam pukul 04.00 wib. Tidak terdapat korban jiwa namun kejadian tersebut, namun berhasil menghanguskan pemukiman padat penduduk yang berjumlah 30 rumah 43 KK 114 jiwa.” Tutup Pak Syafi’i, Ketua RT.

Pada hari Kamis (06/10) pukul 16.30 RZ bersama Komite Relawan Nusantara (KRN) memberikan bantuan berupa 100 kaleng Kornet Superqurban yang diterima oleh Pak Syafi’i. “Saya berterima kasih kepada RZ dan teman – teman relawan yang sudah peduli kepada kami, korban kebakaran dan memberikan kornet Superqurban.” ujarnya.

Bantuan diserahkan langsung oleh Nurul Asri Septiyani, selaku perwakilan Relawan RZ yang turut meninjau situasi dan memantau kondisi warga pasca kebakaran, “Kami, relawan berharap bantuan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk warga, kami mengajak para relawan dan masyarakat untuk dapat membantu dan mendoakan agar para korban yang sedang mengalami ujian diberikan kesabaran dan keikhlasan.” ujar Nurul Asri Septiyani.

Newsroom/Nurul Asri
Jakarta[:en]Again, fire incidents happened in Jakarta and burned densely populated township on Thursday (10/06) at Jl. Bunga RT 05/09 – Matraman, Jakarta But the chronology of events of the fire has not been established, the allegations while the fire started from the cigarette butts one of the people who are still lit then quickly grabbed the residential area.

“The fire occurred at about 12:15 a.m and extinguished at 04.00 a,m. There were no casualties but it managed to singe densely populated settlements totaling 30 homes or 43 Family 114 people.” Closed Mr. Shafi, Chairman of the neighborhood
On Thursday (10/06) at 04:30 p.m RZ together with Volunteer of KRN donated 100 cans of corned Superqurban received by Mr. Shafi. “I thank RZ and volunteers who have cared about us, fire victims and provide Superqurban corned beef,” he said.

Assistance given directly by Nurul Asri Septiyani, as the representative of RZ Volunteers who helped reviewed the situation and monitor the condition of the people after the fire, “We, the volunteers hope this help can be beneficial to the citizens, we invite volunteers and the community to help and pray that the victims who were undergoing a test given patience and sincerity, “said Nurul Asri Septiyani.