[:ID]PEKANBARU. Guna melatih jiwa enterpreneurship juga melatih kemandirian dan kepercayaan diri siswa, SMP Juara Pekanbaru kembali mengadakan kegiatan Market Day, pada Jumat (18/11). Kegiatan Market Day kali ini dilaksanakan oleh kelas VII Alexandria setelah bel tanda istirahat berbunyi.
Keseruan Market Day kali ini mengundang ratusan siswa lainnya untuk berbelanja. Berbagai macam aneka makanan disajikan untuk dijual kepada seluruh siswa yang sedang istirahat saat itu. Pisang coklat, tahu isi, kerupuk kuah dan makanan lainnya dijual dengan harga yang terjangkau bagi siswa.
“Kegiatan Market Day kali ini kami untung besar, Miss. Kegiatannya seru,” ungkap David Nugraha yang merupakan salah satu siswa kelas VII Alexandria.
Kegembiraan dari siswa kelas VII Alexandria ini semakin terpancar saat guru-guru SMP Juara ikut berbelanja bersama siswa dalam kegiatan Market Day kali ini.
Newsroom/Hamda Silfi Hayati
Pekanbaru[:en]PEKANBARU.In order to train the entrepreneurship spirit also train independence and self-confidence of students, smp Juara Pekanbaru conducted Market Day, on Friday (11/18). Market Day activity this time conducted by VII grade of Alexandria after the last bell rang break.
Market Day this time invited hundreds of other students to shop. A wide variety of meals are presented for sale to all students who were taking a break at the time. Banana chocolate, Fried tofu, soup crackers and other foods sold at affordable price for students.
“We got big profit in Market Day this time, Miss. The activity is very exciting, “said David Nugraha which is one of the students of VII grade of Alexandria.
The excitement of the students of Alexandria was increasingly emitted the teachers came shopping with the students in the Market Day this time.
Newsroom/Hamda Silfi Hayati