oleh | Jan 4, 2017 | News


ini-lumpia-kornet-cenat-cenut-karya-relawan-rzCILEGON. Mengawali resolusi tahun 2017 pasca diksar, Relawan RZ Cilegon mengadakan Lomba Masak di basecamp relawan, Lingkungan Ramanuju Kelurahan Citangkil Kecamatan Citangkil Kota Cilegon untuk menjaga silaturrahmi dan harmoni antar sesama relawan, Minggu (01/01).

Kegiatan Lomba masak ini diikuti oleh 10 anggota relawan dan mereka dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok A dan B yang masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 5 anggota.

Lomba masak ini berbahan dasar Kornet Superqurban. Masing- masing kelompok dibekali 5 kaleng kornet dan uang sebesar Rp 30.000 untuk mengolah serta memvariasi kornet menjadi makanan yang nikmat dan lezat.

“Kami berikan 5 kornet Superqurban dan uang Rp 30.000, silahkan masing- masing kelompok berkreasi sebaik mungkin ya,” ucap Iroh Basyiroh selaku ketua divisi kaderisasi Relawan RZ Cilegon.

Sementara kelompok A membuat “Lumpia Kornet Cenat-Cenut” dan kelompok B “Roti Panggang Zomblo”.

Penilaian lomba masak dilihat dari kekompakan kelompok, rasa, penampilan & kreativitas. “Kami akan melakukan penilaian meliputi 3 aspek, yaitu kekompakan kalian, rasa, penampilan sajian dan kreativitas dalam mengolah kornet,” terang Subhan Nur salah satu dewan juri.

Siti Fazriah salah satu relawan mengakatan, indahnya kebersamaan sesama relawan walau cuaca terik panas.
“Mantapnya di cuaca terik matahari ini bersama relawan RZ Cilegon bisa menjalin kebersamaan yang luar biasa,” ujarnya.

Relawan RZ Cilegon dikoordinatori oleh Fauzul Umam dengan sekretaris Efiyana, Bendahara Roudotul Hasanah dan beberapa divisi.



ini-lumpia-kornet-cenat-cenut-karya-relawan-rzCILEGON. To begin 2017 Resolution after Basic Training, Volunteer of RZ Cilegon carried out Cooking Contest held in volunteer’s basecamp, Ramanuju Citangkil Village, Cilegon District of Citangkil to strengthen the brotherhood and harmony among fellow volunteers, Sunday (01/01).

Cooking competition event was attended by 10 members and their volunteers were divided into two groups, A and B, each group consisted of 5 members.

Superqurban corned is the main ingredients in this cooking competition. Each group is equipped with five cans of corned beef and cash amounting to Rp 30,000 to process and varying the corned beef into delicious and tasty food.

“We gave 5 corned Superqurban and Rp 30,000, each group must be creative as possible” said Iroh Basyiroh as chairman of Volunteer regeneration division of RZ Cilegon.

While group A made”Spring Rolls Cenat –Cenut corned” and group B ” Zomblo Toast”.

The assessment of cooking competition seen from the group is cohesiveness, taste, appearance and creativity. “We will make an assessment covering three aspects, namely compactness of you, taste, appearance and creativity in the process serving corned beef,” said Subhan Nur one of the jury.

Siti Fazriah one of the volunteers said, “This is the beauty of togetherness among the volunteers even though the weather was scorching hot”

“I am happy, in this hot day we can gather to build togtherness” she said.

RZ Cilegon volunteers coordinated by Fauzul Umam with Efiyana secretary, Roudotul Hasanah the treasurer and several divisions.
