[:ID]”Sungguh ummat-Ku akan diseru pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan bercahaya karena bekas wudhunya.” (HR Bukhari dan Muslim).
Selain memiliki banyak keutamaan, wudhu ternyata sangat bermanfaat terhadap kesehatan. Dr Ahmad Syauqy Ibrahim, peneliti bidang penderita penyakit dalam dan penyakit jantung di London mengatakan, ”Para Pakar sampai pada kesimpulan mencelupkan anggota tubuh ke dalam air akan mengembalikan tubuh yang lemah menjadi kuat, mengurangi kekejangan pada syaraf dan otot, menormalkan detak jantung, kecemasan, dan insomnia (susah tidur).”
[:en]“Indeed, my Ummah will be called on the Day of Judgment in a glowing state because of its former ablution (Wudhu).” (Bukhari and Muslim).
In addition to having many virtues, ablution was very beneficial to health. Dr. Ahmad Syauqy Ibrahim, researcher in the field of internal medicine and heart disease in London said, “Experts come to the conclusion that dipping members of the body into water will restore a weak body to strength, reduce spasms in nerves and muscles, normalize heart rate, anxiety, and insomnia (insomnia). ”
In the book Al-I’jaaz Al-Ilmiy fii Al-Islam wa Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiyah explained, contemporary science establishes after going through a long experiment, it turns out that people who always perform ablutions the majority of their noses are cleaner, there are no various microbes.
The nasal cavity can deliver various diseases. From the nose, germs enter the throat and there are various inflammation and diseases. Especially if it gets into the bloodstream, perhaps this is the wisdom of recommending istinsyaaq (putting water into the nose) three times and then spouting it every time ablution.
There is also a mouth rinse intended to maintain the cleanliness of the mouth and esophagus from inflammation and gum decay. Gargling keeps the teeth from the food debris that sticks. While washing the face and both hands to the elbows, and both feet provide the benefits of removing dust and various bacteria.
Especially by cleaning the body from sweat and other impurities that come out through the skin and also, it has been scientifically proven that the disease will not attack human skin unless the hygiene level of the skin is low.
From a spiritual point of view, ablution aborts ‘climbed’ which covers merit. Together with ablution water, our sins are cleansed, as narrated by Abu Hurairah RA, Rasulullah SAW said, “If a Muslim servant or believer performs ablution, when he washes his face out of his face all the sins his eyes commit together with that water or with the last drop.
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