oleh | Jun 27, 2016 | Mitra Korporat, News

INDOSAT OOREDOO - RZ GELAR AKSI SIAGA SEHAT DI 3 LOKASI BENCANA DI PURWOREJOPURWOREJO. RZ kembali bekerja sama bersama Indosat Ooredoo dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gratis berkualitas kepada masyarkat. Dalam hal ini aksi siaga sehat dilaksanakkn dua hari secara berturut-turut yakni pada Kamis (24/06) dan Jumat (25/06) di tiga desa, yakni desa Delangu, desa Jelok dan desa Pituruh.

Pada hari Kamis (24/06) Aksi siaga Sehat tersebut dilaksanakan pada pukul 10.00 -14.30 di desa Delangu, kecamatan Butuh, kabupaten Purworejo dengan layanan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis serta pemberian makanan tambahan.

Aksi siaga sehat ini dihadiri oleh bapak kepala desa Delangu beserta perangkat desanya. Dari Indosat Ooredoo hadir 3 orang perwakilan beserta bapak Medy yang memberi sambutan.

“Aksi siaga sehat di lokasi banjir ini dimulai dari proses pendaftaran, dilanjutkan dengan penimbangan berat badan, cek tensi darah. Setelahnya dilanjutkan oleh pemeriksaan kesehatan oleh dokter. Selain itu juga ada rekomendasi khusus untuk melakukan cek metabolik, dilanjutkan dengan pemberian obat dan pemberian makanan tambahan yang berupa susu dan biskuit.” jelas Warjita.

Adapun tim yang terlibat dalam aksi ini ada 2 dokter, 2 perawat, 1 rekam medis, 3 apoteker, 2 driver, 1 PIC, 2 Relawan  untuk aksi hari jumlah penerima sebanyak  200 orang.

Di hari berikutnya Jumat (25/06) Aksi Siaga Sehat Indosat Ooredoo digelar pada pukul 09.00 hingga 14.30 di desa lainnya di Kabupaten Purworejo yakni desa Jelok, kecamatan Kaligesing yang merupakan wilayah lainnya yang terkena bencana tanah longsor.

Seperti di hari sebelumnya, dalam kesempatan tersebut diberikan layanan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis serta pemberian makanan tambahan. Dalam aksi siaga sehat ini di hadiri oleh Bapak Eko dari Ooredoo Indosat. Adapun dalam aksi siaga sehat hari tersebut telah berhasil melayani 135 Penerima Manfaat (PM).

Dan di hari ketiga, Sabtu (26/06) aksi siaga sehat dilaksanakan pukul 11.00 -15.00 di desa Pituruh kabupaten Purworejo yang juga merupakan wilayah yang terkena bencana banjir. terdapat sejumlah 158 penerima manfaat yang hadir di hari ketiga ini. Total selama tiga hari pelaksanaan Aksi Siaga Sehat Indosat Ooredoo – RZ berhasil melayani 493 penerima manfaat di tiga desa di kabupaten Purworejo.

PurworejoINDOSAT OOREDOO - RZ GELAR AKSI SIAGA SEHAT DI 3 LOKASI BENCANA DI PURWOREJOPURWOREJO. RZ once again establishes cooperation with Indosat Ooredoo in providing quality and free health care to the community. In this case the action was carried out in two consecutive days on Thursday and Friday (24-25 June) in three villages, namely Delangu village, Jelok village and Pituruh village.

On Thursday (06/24) the action was carried out at 10:00 to 14:30 in Delangu village, Butuh District, Purworejo regency with free health screening services and supplementary feeding.

The Health action was attended by the village head of Delangu village along with other staffs. 3 people from Indosat Ooredoo representatives attended along with Mr. Medy who gave a speech.

“The Health action in flooded areas have started from the registration process, followed by weighing, blood pressure check. After that followed by a medical examination by a doctor, there was also specific recommendation for metabolic check, followed by the administration of medicine and supplementary feeding in the form of milk and biscuits ” Warjita Explained.

The team involved in this action there are two doctors, two nurses, one medical record, 3 pharmacists, 2 drivers, 1 PIC, and 2 Volunteer, for action on that day the number of recipients as many as 200 people.

On the next day on Friday (06/25) Indosat Ooredoo Health Action held from 09:00 until 14:30 in the other villages in Purworejo regency which is Jelok villages, Kaligesing districts which is another area affected by landslides.

As in previous days, the occasion was given free health screening services and supplementary feeding. In this action was attended by Mr. Eko from Indosat Ooredoo. As for the sound alert action day has been successfully serving 135 Beneficiaries.

And on the third day, Saturday (06/26) healthy standby action carried out from 11:00 to 15:00 in the Pituruh village Purworejo regency is also among the flood affected areas. There are a number of 158 beneficiaries were present on the third day. In total during the three-day implementation of the Action have managed to serve 493 beneficiaries in three villages in Purworejo Regency.
