oleh | Mar 15, 2016 | Mitra Korporat, News

INDAHNYA SILATURAHIM WARNAI PEMBINAAN ANAK JUARA PT. CHUATSUBEKASI.Coaching activity and the distribution of scholarships of PT Chuatsu in March (03/03) is slightly different from previous coaching, if the previous coaching is always held at Al-Falah mosque, this time coaching done by visiting one of the ‘Anak Juara’ ananda Muhammad Farhan Abdillah in Cibuntu RT.01 RW.02 Cibitung. This of course brings a lot of wisdom for ‘anak juara’ such as building good communication among anak juara, getting a new atmosphere in the coaching and distribution of scholarship.

This concept will be a our program, in the hope that vision and mission of coaching can be materialized well and can create children who not only think about themselves but they were able to think of others. “Alhamdulillah, Thanks to PT. Chuhatsu that has helped to defray my education, I am very pleased and happy, the benefit of this assistance is I felt there is an increase in learning and I want to come to the coaching every month. At the time I met up with friends who have the motivation and the same spirit and do not forget to also I say thank to RZ that amazingly has become the bridge so I can smile every time and I am proud to be ’anak juara’, I pray for  PT. Chuhatsu and RZ, hopefully they can be more intimate in the cooperation, ” Amanda Azkiya said, one beneficiary of this scholarship. *** Newsroom/Nur Shyfa BekasiINDAHNYA SILATURAHIM WARNAI PEMBINAAN ANAK JUARA PT. CHUATSUBEKASI.Coaching activity and the distribution of scholarships of PT Chuatsu in March (03/03) is slightly different from previous coaching, if the previous coaching is always held at Al-Falah mosque, this time coaching done by visiting one of the ‘Anak Juara’ ananda Muhammad Farhan Abdillah in Cibuntu RT.01 RW.02 Cibitung. This of course brings a lot of wisdom for ‘anak juara’ such as building good communication among anak juara, getting a new atmosphere in the coaching and distribution of scholarship.

This concept will be a our program, in the hope that vision and mission of coaching can be materialized well and can create children who not only think about themselves but they were able to think of others. “Alhamdulillah, Thanks to PT. Chuhatsu that has helped to defray my education, I am very pleased and happy, the benefit of this assistance is I felt there is an increase in learning and I want to come to the coaching every month. At the time I met up with friends who have the motivation and the same spirit and do not forget to also I say thank to RZ that amazingly has become the bridge so I can smile every time and I am proud to be ’anak juara’, I pray for  PT. Chuhatsu and RZ, hopefully they can be more intimate in the cooperation, ” Amanda Azkiya said, one beneficiary of this scholarship. *** Newsroom/Nur Shyfa Bekasi