[:ID]PEKANBARU. Jum’at (30/11). Pagi ini beberapa petugas dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pekanbaru mendatangi SD Juara Pekanbaru untuk memberikan Imunisasi Difteri dan Imunisasi MR (Measles Rubella) bagi siswa yang diizinkan orang tuanya untuk imunisasi.
Dalam hal ini, ada beberapa kategori Imunisasi yang dilakukan yaitu Imunisasi DT (Difteri Tetanus) untuk Kelas 1, Imunisasi Td (Tetanus Difteri) untuk Kelas 2, dan Imunisasi MR untuk Seluruh Kelas.
Satu per satu anak yang diizinkan orang tuanya untuk imunisasi datang ke kantor untuk diimunisasikan. Jumlah anak yang diimunisasi sekitar 15 orang, yang terdiri dari kelas 1 sampai dengan kelas 6. Meskipun awalnya banyak drama, tapi mereka senang karena telah diimunisasi.
“Saya takut sama jarum suntik, Bu, tapi saya mau diimunisasi.” ungkap Athifa salah satu siswi yang diimunisasi sambil menangis.
Meutia Raya Fitri/Abdullah Tsabit[:en]PEKANBARU. Friday (11/30). This morning several officers from the Pekanbaru City Health Service visited SD Juara Pekanbaru to provide Diphtheria Immunization and MR (Measles Rubella) Immunization for students who were allowed by their parents to immunize.
In this case, there are several categories of Immunization that are carried out, namely Immunization DT (Tetanus Diphtheria) for 1st grade students, Td Immunization (Diphtheria Tetanus) for 2nd grade students, and MR Immunization for All Classes.
One by one the children who are allowed by their parents for immunization come to the office to be immunized. The number of children immunized was around 15 people, consisting of grades 1 through 6. Although initially there were many dramas, they were happy because they had been immunized.
“I am afraid of syringes, ma’am, but I want to be immunized,” said Athifa, one of the immunized students crying.
Meutia Raya Fitri / Abdullah Tsabit[:]