Covid-19 Reliefs
Emergency reliefs for those effected by covid-19 crisis. this campaign contains aid for health personnel, covid-19 patient, staple aid for effected people , etc .
Oxygen for Covid-19
help those who need free oxygen cylinders, the donation funds will be distributed to Covid-19 patients at Isolation House, or Shelters for COVID-19 patients.
Rumah Zakat helps provide vaccinators and supplements for health workers. This vaccination program will continue to be carried out in various areas that need assistance.
Self-isolation Reliefs
This relief is provided for those those who have to self-isolate because they are confirmed positive for Covid-19
Free Ambulance
The need for ambulances is increasing rapidly. Let’s help provide free ambulances services for Covid-19 patients.
Food package relief
This relief is provided for those effected by The imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM); underprivileged family, those who lost their jobs, and those whose income has decreased drastically
Support for Health
Every day volunteers, ambulance drivers, and health workers must take the risk of risking their lives for helping Covid-19 patiens. They need our support, let’s provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), vitamis and supplement for them