[:ID]LAMPUNG SELATAN. Hari kedua dapur umum Tokopedia di Pos Rumah Zakat yang berada di Dusun 1 RT 2 Desa Way Muli Timur Kecamatan Rajabasa Kabupaten Lampung Selatan produksi 900 porsi nasi bungkus.
Rabu (16/01) Aktivitas Dapur Umum sudah dimulai sejak pagi hari dengan memproduksi 450 porsi nasi yang disalurkan ke dua lokasi pengungsian di Way Muli Timur dan Kunjir.
Hamid selaku koordinator pos menyebutkan siang ini kami menyalurkan 350 porsi di pengungsian Way Muli Timur dan
100 porsi di pengungsian Kunjir.
“Alhamdulillah terimakasih atas bantuan nasi bungkusnya kepada kami yang saat ini masi tinggal di tenda pengungsian”, ungkap salah satu penyintas Ibu Sa’adah (53).
Sore hari ini dapur umum Tokopedia sedang mempersiapkan 450 porsi nasi untuk di distribusikan pada malam hari selepas shalat maghrib di dua lokasi pengungsian tersebut.
Izzatul Yazid/ Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]SOUTH LAMPUNG. The second day of the Tokopedia public kitchen at Pos Rumah Zakat in Dusun 1 RT 2, Way Muli Timur Village, Rajabasa Subdistrict, South Lampung Regency, produced 900 portions of rice wrap.
Wednesday (01/16) Public Kitchen Activities began in the morning by producing 450 portions of rice package which were distributed to two refugee locations in East Muli Way and Kunjir.
Hamid, as the postal coordinator, said that this afternoon we distributed 350 portions in East Mulli and refugee camps 100 portions in Kunjir refugee camp.
“Alhamdulillah, thank you for the help of rice packs for us, who at the moment still live in refugee camps,” said one of the survivors of Ibu Sa’adah (53).
This afternoon the Tokopedia public kitchen is preparing 450 portions of rice to be distributed at night after the Maghrib prayer in the two refugee camps.
Izzatul Yazid / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]