[:ID]BALI. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Kepala Pusat Data Informasi dan Humas BNPB menyatakan Senin (02/07) dari pagi hingga sore hari, Gunung Agung mengalami beberapa kali erupsi kecil dengan tinggi abu vulkanik sekitar 1.000 meter hingga 2.000 meter. Pada Senin malam tiba- tiba masyarakat sekitar Gunung Agung dikejutkan letusan disertai dengan suara ledakan keras disertai dengan lontaran batu pijar.
PVMBG melaporkan bahwa telah terjadi erupsi Gunung Agung, Bali pada tanggal Senin malam pukul 21:04 WITA dengan tinggi kolom abu teramati ± 2.000 m di atas puncak (± 5.142 m di atas permukaan laut). Kolom abu teramati berwarna kelabu dengan intensitas tebal condong ke arah barat.
Erupsi terjadi secara Strombolian dengan suara dentuman. Erupsi bersifat eksplosif melontarkan batu pijar karena ada tekanan dari dalam kawah. Sifat magma yang lebih cair dibandingkan letusan tahun lalu juga menyebabkan mudahnya terjadi lontaran batu pijar. Lontaran lava pijar teramati keluar kawah mencapai jarak 2 km.
Hutan di sekitar puncak kawah Gunung Agung terbakar sehingga api menyala cukup besar di beberapa bagian. Lontaran lava pijar dari puncak Gunung Agung ke lereng bagian timur hingga timur laut ke daerah Culik dan Dukuh di Kabupaten Karangasem. Selain itu juga mengarah ke bagian barat dan selatan. Akibatnya hutan di puncak kawah terbakar cukup luas.
Masyarakat sekitarnya langsung melakukan evakuasi mandiri. Turun ke desa-desa yang aman. Status Gunung Agung tetap Siaga (level 3) dengan radius berbahaya 4 km dari puncak kawah.
Pantauan satelit Himawari BMKG menunjukkan bahwa sebaran abu vulkanik dominan mengarah ke barat. Hingga saat ini Bandara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai di Denpasar Bali masih beroperasi normal. Demikian pula bandara di Banyuwangi, Jember dan Lombok.
Relawan Rumah Zakat telah berada di lokasi bencana dan melakukan assesment untuk menentuka langkah Aksi Siaga Bencana berikutnya.
“Per hari ini, Relawan sudah berada di lokasi untuk melakukan assesment, semoga langkah siaga bencana selanjutnya bisa dilakukan” Ujar Andri Murdianto, Crisis Center Rumah Zakat.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]BALI. Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Head of Data and Information Center of BNPB said Monday (02/07) from morning to evening, Gunung Agung experienced several small eruptions with high volcanic ash around 1,000 meters to 2,000 meters. On Monday night suddenly people around Mount Agung was surprised by the eruption accompanied by a loud explosion accompanied by a flickering of incandescent rock.
PVMBG reported that there was an eruption of Mount Agung, Bali on Monday night at 21:04 WITA with the ash column height observed ± 2,000 m above the peak (± 5.142 m above sea level). The gray columns were observed in gray with a thick intensity leaning towards the west.
The strombolian eruption occurs with a banging sound. Eruption is explosive throwing incandescent stone because there is pressure from inside the crater. The magical properties of the liquid more than last year’s eruption also caused the easy occurrence of incandescent rocks, flares of incandescent lava observed out the crater reaches a distance of 2 km.
The forests around the summit crater of Mount Agung are burning so that the fire is quite large in some parts. Lava incandescent from the summit of Mount Agung move to the eastern to northeastern slopes to the Culik and Dukuh areas in Karangasem regency, It also leads to the west and south. As a result the forest at the top of the crater burned quite broadly.
The surrounding communities immediately conduct an independent evacuation. Go down to the safe villages. Status of Mouth Agung remains Standby (level 3) with dangerous radius of 4 km from the top of the crater.
The observation of Himawari BMKG satellite shows that the dominant spread of volcanic ash leads to the west. Until now I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport in Denpasar Bali is still operating normally, similarly to airports in Banyuwangi, Jember and Lombok.
Rumah Zakat volunteers have been at the disaster site and have an assessment to determine the next Action Disaster Preparedness action.
“As of today, volunteers are already in the location to conduct an assessment, hopefully the next step can be done” Said Andri Murdianto, Crisis Center of Rumah Zakat.[:]