[:ID]DEMAK. Hampir tiga minggu banjir melanda wilayah Desa Sayung, Demak. Namun hingga kemarin (25/02) belum seluruhnya wilayah surut dari air banjir. Masih ada beberapa wilayah yang masih terendam banjir.
Banjir terparah terjadi di Dukuh Lengkong RW 07. Ketinggian air disana antara 5 – 100cm. (25/02) Dengan menggunakan perahu karet Relawan Rumah Zakat berusaha menjangkau daerah terdampak untuk menditribusikan bantuan, dan Hygine Kit untuk mushola.
“497 paket sembako telah didistribusikan melalui Kepala Desa Sayung, kami juga Hygine Kit untuk mushola,” ujar Relawan Rumah Zakat.
Selain mendistribusikan bantuan Relawan Juga membantu warga bergotong royong untuk membersihkan lingkungan sekitar dan mushola.
“Alhamdulillah, terimakasih sekali untuk bantuan alat-alat kebersihan dari Rumah Zakat. Kondisi kami memang seperti ini. Kalau air sedang naik, kami tidak bisa sholat disini, harus di depan rumah itu”, ujar
Pemuka agama setempat, Effendi sambil menunjuk ke salah satu rumah di depan mushola yang berlantai 2.
Menurut pejabat desa setempat, bahwa banjir di Desa Sayung masih pasang surut, untu mengantsipasi banjir susulan warga mendirikan 2 pos jaga yang selalu sigap dan tanggap terhadap banjir dan air pasang.
“Wilayah ini masih pasang surut, namun untuk logistik sudah cukup Warga pun sudah berantipasi dengan menerapkan jaga 24 jam” Multazam, Plt Sekretaris Desa
Newsroom / Lailatul istikhomah
Demak[:en]DEMAK. Nearly three weeks flood has been submerging Sayung village, Demak. But until yesterday (25/02) the flood has not receded yet. There are still some areas that are still flooded.
The worst flood occurred in Dukuh Lengkong RW 07. The water level is between 5 – 100cm. (25/02) By using inflatable boats Rumah Zakat volunteers are trying to reach the affected areas to distribute the aid, and Hygine Kit for mosque.
“497 packages of basic needs have been distributed through Sayung Village Head, we are also distributes Hygine Kit for Mosque,” said Volunteer Rumah Zakat.
In addition to distributing aid, Volunteers Also help people work together to clean up the neighborhood and a mosque.
“Alhamdulillah, thank you very much for the help of hygiene tools from Rumah Zakat, our condition is like this when water is going up, we cannot pray here, but we must pray in front of that house”, said the local religious leader, Effendi pointed to one of the houses in front of the mosque.
According to local village officials, the floods in Sayung village are still ups and downs, to anticipate aftershock flood, residents establish 2 guard posts that are always alert and responsive to flood and tide.
“The area is still ups and downs, but for logistics is enough, citizens have already anticipate the flood by applying 24 hours guard” Multazam, Plt Village Secretary
Newsroom / Lailatul istikhomah