[:ID]JAKARTA. SD Juara Jakarta Utara, melaksanan kegiatan meriah Gebyar HUT Kemerdekaan RI yg ke 71 di SD Juara Jakarta utara. Selain perlombaan –perlombaan, SD Juara Jakut juga memeberikan beberapa penghargaan kepada guru-guru dengan slogan “Guruku Pahlawanku”.
“Mereka adalah pahlawan bagi siswa-siswi SD Juara Jakut, karena mereka sedang menyiapkan generasi untuk menjadi pewaris terbaik di negeri ini, mereka sedang membangun bangsa ini, karena membangun pendidikan bagian dari kita sedang membangun perdaban bangsa,” ungkap Rahmat Ilahi selaku Kepala Sekolah SD Juara Jakarta Utara, Kamis (18/08).
Adapun 3 penghargaan tersebut yang dinilai sejak satu tahun terakhir ini tahun ini kepada para guru tersebut ialah:
1) Guru Terbaik, diberikan kepada Bu Yulie kusumawatie (wali kelas 6), dengan kontribusi serta integritas dan dedikasi terbaiknya. Beliau telah mengantarkan siswa kelas 6 SD Juara Jakut tahun ini mendapatkan nilai terbaik UN (USMBD), nilai terbaik dan tertinggi di wilayah 1 Dinas Pendidikan Tanjungpriok, Jakarta utara.
Para lulusan SD Juara Jakut tahun ini diterima di berbagai SMP Negri terbaik, sekolah swasta dan pondok pesantren favorite di negeri ini.
2) Guru Teladan, diberikan kepada Bapak Moh. Arif (Wali kelas 3), beliau adalah sosok guru yg sangat mengayomi siswanya, komunikasi yang intens dengan ortua wali murid, serta disiplin dalam bekerja, beliau selalu hadir paling awal di sekolah, serta selalu berinovasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, membuat beliau terpilih sebagai guru teladan di tahun di SD Juara Jakut.
3) Guru Terfavorit, diberikan kepada ibu Mawar Maci Aden, (Guru Bid. Studi Bahasa Inggris dan SBK), sosok guru yang selalu tampil ceria, penuh dedikasi dan tetap tampil bijaksana, membuat beliau sangat disenangi anak-anak. Kecerian siswa selalu hadir ketika diajar oleh ibu Mawar, bahkan anak-anak sangat betah ketika belajar dgn bu Mawar. Sosok guru yang selalu dirindukan oleh siswanya.
Kegiatan juga dimeriahkani dengan berbagai macam lomba edukasi siswa, seperti: balap karung, memasukkan pulpen ke dalam botol, tarik tambang, dll. Semuanya bermakna, sarat dengan edukasi dan penuh keceriaan.
Newsroom/Rahmat Ilahi
Jakarta[:en]JAKARTA. Independence Day is very identical to 17 August race, the race conducted in SD Juara Jakarta Utara together with Cita sehat Foundation (CSF) is different. Both of them held a race that remains focused on children’s health such as gymnastics competition called Anak Juara Cinta Sehat, banana eating competition with a blindfold, and other interesting competitions. Then the activity clossed by supplementary feeding consist of milk and cakes so that the children are healthy and strong.
“Thanks Rumah Zakat and Cita Sehat, thanks brother and teacher, today I’m very happy because it can compete with friend’s and have my favorites milk” Said Diaz Winarta Hariyadi happily, the 2nd grade student of SD Juara Jakarta Selatan, on Thursday (08/18).
Not much different from Diaz, Syamil Hudaybi Mumtaz who is his classmate felt the same as following all existing races.
“I’m very happy, because today join the race at the school to commemorate Independence Day. I followed all the races, I cannot wait for next year. Thanks Rumah Zakat and Cita Sehat “Said Syamil.
SD Juara Jakarta Utara conducted 71st Independence Day commemoration, besides conducting races. SD Juara Jakarta Utara gave out awards to teachers with the slogan “My teacher is my Heroes”.
“They are heroes for students of SD Juara Jakarta Utara, because they are preparing for a generation to become the best heir for country, they’re building this nation, because building the education is a part of us to build the civilization of the nation,” said Rahmat Ilahi as Principal of SD Juara Jakarta Utara, Thursday (08/18).
The three awards were assessed since the last year, and this year awards given to 3 teachers namely :
1) Best Teacher, was given to Mrs. Yulie kusumawatie (6th grade homeroom teacher), with his best contribution of integrity and dedication, She has led 6th grade students to get the best value in National Exam (USMBD), the best value and the highest in the region 1 Department of Education Tanjung, North Jakarta.The graduates this year received in various best state junior high school, favorite private schools and boarding schools in the country.
2) Model Teacher, delivered to Mr. Moh. Arif (3rd grade homeroom teacher), he is a teacher who is very nurturing students, intense communication with parents, as well as discipline in the work, he always comes earliest in schools, and always innovating in the learning activities, making he was elected as an exemplary teacher this year.
3) Favorite Teachers, given to Mrs. Rose Maci Aden, (English and Art Teacher), a teacher who is always cheerful, dedicated and still look wise, make her very popular among kids. Cheerfulness of students are always present when taught by Ms. Rose, even children are enjoy the lesson when studying with Mrs. Rose. A teacher who always missed by students
Activity also enlivened with various educative competitions for students, such as sack races, insert the pen into the bottle, tug of war, etc. Everything has a meaning, loaded with educational value and full of joy.
Newsroom/Rahmat Ilahi