CILEGON. Selesai kunjungan di desa Mekarjaya Pandeglang, Moju (Mobil Juara) Adira Ins-RZ beralih kunjungan ke desa Nembol tepatnya di PAUD/TK Kenanga Kp. Nembol Desa Nembol, Kec. Mandalawangi Kab. Pandeglang (27/04). Tujuh Puluh siswa PAUD/TK Kenanga sangat senang mengikuti kegiatan mobil perpustakaan keliling. Seperti senam bersama, mendengarkan dongeng, menonton film edukasi, mewarnai, bermain lego dan membaca.
Uniknya saat tim Moju sedang mendongeng tentang Tikus dan Singa, salah satu siswa bernama Zahra mampu menebak isi dongeng tersebut dan memberi kesempatan untuk maju, mengambil hadiah yang sudah disiapkan oleh tim.
“Terima kasih mobil perpustakaan Adira Ins – RZ, saya senang bisa dapat hadiah karena saya menebak apa yang diceritakan oleh kak Iroh yang sedang mendongeng” begitu tutur Zahra polos.
Dalam kesempatan ini, Iroh Basiroh PIC Moju Adira Ins-RZ mengaku sangat bergembira melihat anak-anak yang lucu.
“Sungguh, perjalanan yang menyenangkan bersama tim Moju Adira dari Cilegon menuju Pandeglang bertemu dengan anak-anak PAUD/TK Kenanga yang cerdas-cerdas,” Begitu ungkapnya senang.
Newsroom/Iroh Basiroh
Cilegon CILEGON. After a visit to Mekarjaya village Pandeglang, Moju (Juara Car) Adira Ins-RZ went to the next destination which is Nembol village precisely in early childhood / kindergarten Kenanga Kp. Nembol Nembol village, Mandalawangi district Pandeglang regency (27/04). Seventy students of PAUD Kenanga very pleased to follow the activities of the mobile library. Such as exercise together, listen to stories, watch educational movies, coloring, playing Lego and read.
Interestingly, when Moju team were telling a story about Mouse and the Lion, one of the students named Zahra were able to guess the contents of the tale and gives an opportunity to move forward, take a prize that has been prepared by the team.
“Thanks to Adira Ins – RZ mobile library car, I am happy getting a prize for me to guess what was told by kak Iroh who was telling a story” said Zahra.
On this occasion, Iroh Basiroh PIC of Adira Ins-RZ mobile library car deeply delighted to see the cute children.
“This is really a nice ride with Moju Adira team from Cilegon to Pandeglang met with smart students from PAUD/TK” he said pleased.
Newsroom / Iroh Basiroh