[:ID]PALU. Ada yang berbeda di akhir pekan kali ini, biasanya sejumlah anak-anak kecamatan Ulujadi bermain di pesisir pantai timur, namun saat ini sejumlah anak-anak tidak bisa bermain di pinggir pantai, pasca gempa dan tsunami yang melanda Sulawesi Tengah karena selain takut gempa terjadi lagi kondisi pesisir pantai pun tidak bisa digunakan untuk bermain karena puing – puing reruntuhan bagunan masih berserakan.
Anak – anak hanya bisa bermain di depan rumah yang telah hancur di terjang tsunami. Meski hanya bermain dengan seutas tali yang dialasi oleh bantal, keceriaan mereka tak hilang.
Seperti Fatir, Rayan dan Radit, ketiga anak ini terlihat bahagia saat bermain ayunan di halaman rumahnya yang telah hancur.
“Biasanya kami bermain di pesisir pantai, namun kali ini lapangan bermain mereka telah hancur di terjang gempa dan tsunami, jadi kami gak bisa main dipantai” ujar Fatir, salah satu anak.
Candra Kurnia / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PALU. There is something different this weekend, usually a number of Ulujadi sub-district children play on the east coast, but currently a number of children cannot play on the beach after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Central Sulawesi. It is happen because in addition to fear the earthquake happened again also coastal conditions cannot be used to play because the debris of the ruins of the buildings is still scattered.
Children can only play in front of a house that has been destroyed by the tsunami. Even though they only play with a rope covered by a pillow, their cheerfulness doesn’t disappear.
Like Fatir, Rayan and Radit, these three children look happy while playing swings in the destroyed yard of his house.
“Usually we play on the coast, but this time our playing field was destroyed in the earthquake and tsunami, so we can’t play on the beach,” said Fatir, one of the children.
Candra Kurnia / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]