oleh | Des 19, 2017 | News

[:ID]GARUT. Fasilitator desa Berdaya Cisero Wahyu Suryaman membuka secara resmi kegiatan pesantren Liburan Semesteran (PELITA) di Komplek Yayasan Imanul Ulya Cisero Cisurupan Garut pada selasa (19/12).

“Alhamdulillah pagi ini telah dibuka secara resmi kegiatan pesantren Liburan Semesteran (PELITA) yang terselenggara atas kerjasama Rumah Zakat dan komunitas Pelajar Love Mesjid, insyaAllah kegiatan ini dilaksanakan mulai hari ini tanggal 19-26 desember dengan di isi beragam kegiatan,” ungkap Wahyu, Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Cisero.

“Tampak antusiasme warga cisero mendaftarkan putra-putrinya untuk mengikuti kegiatan ini, bahkan bukan hanya warga Cisero ada juga peserta dari luar desa Cisero,”tambah Wahyu

Sementara ketua panita Kholis menuturkan peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sampai saat ini sudah terdaftar 85 orang. ini merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi panitia, ia pun berharap mudah-mudahan kegiatan ini berjalan sukses.

“Kami bersyukur di tempat kami ada kegiatan pesantren liburan, menurut kami ini sesuatu yang positif dan perlu di apresisasi, sehingga putra-putri kami dalam mengisi liburannya tidak menghabiskan waktunya dengan hal yang sia-sia. Kami juga berharap mudah-mudahan kegiatan ini terlaksana setiap Liburan sekolah, baik
semester ganjil maupun genap” Ungkap ibu Ida salah satu orang tua peserta PELITA.

Newsroom/ Wanda Yulianto
Garut[:en]GARUT. Empowered Village facilitator of Rumah Zakat for Cisero Wahyu Suryaman officially opened Holiday Boarding School (PELITA) at Imanul Ulya Foundation Complex Cisero Cisurupan Garut on Tuesday (19/12).

“Alhamdulillah this morning has officially opened the activities of Holiday Boarding School (PELITA) which is held in cooperation of Rumah Zakat and of Students Love Mesjid community, insha Allah this activity is implemented starting today 19-26 December with various activities, “said Wahyu, Village Facilitator Berdaya Cisero

“It seems the enthusiasm of Cisero citizens to register their sons and daughters to follow this activity, not only the citizens of Cisero there are also participants from outside Cisero village, ” Wahyu Aded

While the chairman of the committee Kholis said participants who follow this activity until now is 85 people. This is a pride for organizers, he hoped that this activity will be successful.

“We are grateful that the Holiday Boarding School could be held in our village, we think this is something positive and need to be appreciated, so our sons and daughters are in filling his vacation does not waste his time with a waste of time. We also hope this activity will be done every school holidays, odd or even semester ” said Ida’s mother one of the participant’s parents

Newsroom / Wanda Yulianto
