oleh | Des 2, 2017 | News

[:ID]BALI. Shelter pengungsi Rumah Zakat yang dikirim dari Surabaya telah tiba di pos pengungsi Kecicang, Bali. Relawan dibantu warga segera mendirikan shelter tersebut di lahan yang masih kosong.

“Kami membawa 10 shelter untuk tambahan tempat tinggal pengungsi yang jumlahnya terus bertambah,” ujar Bagas, Relawan Rumah Zakat.

Selain membangun shelter, Relawan juga mendistribusikan bantuan logistik berupa sembako dan perlengkapan bayi.

“Sebanyak 17 relawan telah diterjunkan untuk aksi di Bali. Kami membantu evakuasi, distribusi bantuan juga terus melakukan assessment kebutuhan pengungsi,” jelas Bagas.

Hari Jumat pagi tadi (01/12), puncak Gunung Agung terlihat jelas dari posko komando, Manggis. Puncak Gunung Agung tidak mengeluarkan kebulan asap. Meskipun demikian, sejak pukul 00.00 – 06.00 WITA masih terjadi hujan abu dengan intensitas sedang-tinggi.

“Relawan akan terus bersiaga di lokasi bencana hingga kondisi Gunung Agung benar-benar aman,” ungkap Bagas.

Kebutuhan mendesak saat ini adalah sembako, air minum, shelter, dapur umum, selimut, perlengkapan bayi, perlengkapan kebersihan, MCK, air bersih dan tambahan tenaga relawan.


Newsroom/Ria Arianti




 [:en]BALI. Refugee shelter of Rumah Zakat sent from Surabaya has arrived at the refugee post Kecicang, Bali. Volunteers assisted by the residents immediately set up the shelter in a vacant field.

“We bring 10 shelters for additional refugee dwellings whose numbers continue to grow,” said Bagas, Volunteers of Rumah Zakat.

In addition to building shelters, Volunteers also distribute logistical aid in the form of food and baby supplies.

“A total of 17 volunteers have been deployed for action in Bali. We are assisting evacuation, aid distribution also continues to assess the needs of refugees,” Bagas explained.

On Friday morning (01/12), the peak of Mount Agung was clearly visible from the command post, Manggis. The peak of Mount Agung did not emit smoke. Nevertheless, from 00.00 – 06.00 WITA, there is still ash rain with moderate intensity.

“Volunteers will continue to stand on the disaster site until the condition of Mount Agung is completely safe,” said Bagas.

The immediate needs of today are basic foods, drinking water, shelters, common kitchens, blankets, baby supplies, hygiene kits, toilets, clean water and additional volunteers.


Newsroom / Ria Arianti
