Zakat 2,5%
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Having a Wider Impact

The following is a report on the donations you have deposited with Rumah Zakat during 2023.

From Indonesia to all over of the world

Rp. 350,7 M

Funds Disbursed

This is the total amount of funds in 2022 distributed to this program.


Beneficiary Service Recipients

Total number of beneficiaries of benefit services such as ambulances, etc.



The total number of recipients of aid or benefits from various asnaf


Village & Sub-district

Number of fostered villages where area-based empowerment programs are implemented

Our Programs

Through various empowerment programs,
Rumah Zakat strives to bring happiness to the entire community.

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Lihat laporan dari zakat, infak, sedekah yang Anda dan donatur lainnya tunaikan. laporan tersedia dalam bentuk infographic bulanan. buka dan lihat bagaimana zakat, infak, sedekah Anda sangat memiliki dampak yang luas.

Rekening Ziswaf

Kini tunaikan zakat, infak, sedekah, dan wakaf semakin mudah. Sahabat bisa menunaikan zakat, infak, sedekah tanpa harus melakukan konfirmasi melalui Sahabat bisa tunaikan juga melalui transfer zakat, infak, sedekah melalui bank ke rekening zakat, infak, sedekah Rumah Zakat. Setelah melakukan transfer, harap konfirmasi melalui WA Center di 0815 7300 1555.

QR Donasi

Mari tunaikan zakat, infak, sedekah, dan donasi kemanusiaan secara lebih mudah dan cepat dengan scan QR Donasi ini.Lihat juga laporan zakat, infak, sedekah, dan donasi kemanusiaan yang telah Anda tunaikan dalam bentuk infografik bulanan.Terima kasih atas kepeduliannya. Zakat, infak, sedekah, dan donasi kemanusiaan Anda telah bermanfaat luas bagi banyak orang.

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Urgent Need!

Innalillahi, there has been a conflict between Palestine and Israel that broke out on Saturday (7/10).
The victims of the conflict continue to increase, hospitals in Gaza are starting to be overwhelmed with many patients queuing to be treated.