by | Aug 1, 2024 | Infaq Sedekah EN

Among the advantages of a deed over other deeds is a deed that is done routinely. Deeds that are done routinely, even if they are little, will outperform deeds that are not routine even if they are many.

“The deed that is most loved by Allah Ta’ala is a deed that is continuous even if it is little.” (HR Muslim)

Infaq that are done little but routinely
are likened to a plant that starts from a seed, then becomes a young plant until it becomes a shady tree, after that the tree can be useful for people around, even just a place for shelter.

Good activities that are done routinely
will produce thousands of goodness and blessings, as with the phrase
“can because of habit”.

Let’s give Infaq starting from small things until
in the future we can get used to giving Infaq routinely even with a small amount as long as it is sincere because of Allah.

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