by | Aug 1, 2024 | Infaq Sedekah EN

Friends, give charity for the sake of Allah and consider it a noble act. What is the reward for Sadaqah, just leave it to Allah to repay it. The answer does not have to be explained mathematically.

What form the reply takes is ultimately up to Allah who will repay. It could be that, not in material form, it is equal or even greater than the value donated, for example in the form of health, in the form of peace and harmony in life.

There are many advantages that we will get when we give Sadaqah, one of which is that Allah will make our lives easier.

“And the person whose sustenance is limited should provide for his living from the wealth that Allah has given him. Allah does not impose a burden on a person but (only) what Allah gives him. Allah will later provide spaciousness after narrowness.” (QS. At-Talaq: 7).

Even in difficult conditions, we are encouraged to continue to give Sadaqah. One example of the Companions of the Prophet who usually gave Sadaqah even in narrow conditions is the story of the family of Ali bin Abi Thalib ra. Maybe our condition is not as bad as what Ali bin Abi Thalib and his family experienced who were starving three days in a row with only a few sips of water. Are we willing to share even in difficult conditions?

If we can give Sadaqah in difficult times, the sustenance that exists will be a blessing. It could be that in God’s way we will bestow health, peace of mind, happiness, or other forms other conveniences of life.

Whatever the condition, let’s continue to try to achieve blessings with charity

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