Rumah Zakat Contributes to World Environment Day Commemoration

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Berita

Bandung, June 20, 2024 – In order to commemorate World Environment Day, the West Java Provincial Environmental Service together with Rumah Zakat held a series of activities in Sector 8 Citarum. This activity aims to increase public awareness of the importance of environmental preservation. The Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, in his speech said that the commemoration should not only be a routine agenda, but he wants there to be environmental recovery with innovation every year.

“All elements of society in West Java are expected to change their behavior to not litter in the river. No matter how sophisticated the waste processing equipment used, if the community does not change their mindset and behavior in disposing of waste, it will be in vain,” said the Acting Governor.

Rumah Zakat was present at the peak of the 2024 World Environment Day commemoration at the West Java Province Level, Thursday, June 20, 2024 at the Citarum Harum Sector 8 Icon Park, Nanjung Village, Margaasih District, Bandung Regency. This event involved the signing of a multi-party agreement on the commitment to conserve critical land, tree planting actions, fish seed release actions, and awarding awards. This year, the commemoration of World Environment Day carries the theme “Solving the Climate Crisis with Innovation and the Principle of Justice,” with a focus on land restoration, stopping desertification, and building resilience to drought, as well as the slogan “Our Land, Our Future”.

Rumah Zakat plays an active role by planting trees along the banks of the Citarum River. In addition, they also spread fish seeds in the river as part of an effort to improve the Citarum water ecosystem. These steps show a real commitment to environmental conservation and the restoration of degraded ecosystems.

Not only focusing on environmental aspects, Rumah Zakat also seeks to empower the community through a bazaar stand that displays recycled products from its fostered community. These products are the result of environmentally friendly waste bank activities and empower local communities. In addition, Rumah Zakat also distributes free coffee from Kopi Santri, a product produced by Rumah Zakat fostered students.

Not only that, Rumah Zakat received an Award for its contribution to the Peak Event of the 2024 West Java Provincial Environment Day Commemoration. This event is expected to inspire the public to be more concerned and active in protecting the environment. The implementation of this event reflects the synergy between the government and the community in an effort to preserve nature. Through activities like this, it is hoped that public awareness and active participation in protecting the environment will increase.


Erry/Amri Rusdiana