Rumah Zakat Always Prioritizes the Principle of Trust in Distributing Aid

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Infaq Sedekah EN

Trustworthy distribution is very important in every aid or donation program that is held. This refers to how the aid or donation can be distributed transparently and on target without any fraud or misuse.
Trustworthiness in the distribution of funds or assistance is very important. This can help increase the trust of donors and the general public, prevent fraudulent acts, and ensure that the objectives of the distribution can be achieved properly.

Therefore, Rumah Zakat as an institution that manages zakat, infaq, and sadaqah funds always prioritizes and maintains the principle of trustworthiness in all aspects, especially in the distribution of aid from donations collected from donors. Here is one example from a Rumah Zakat funding officer on behalf of Mr. Khalifar Ega who reported the distribution of aid to his donors in the form of a distribution video sent via Whatsapp message. The distribution was carried out on March 7, 2023, in Sukajaya Lempasing Village, Teluk Pandan District, Pesawaran Regency, West Java Province. Lampung and received a warm welcome and trust from its donors as follows.

“Oh my God, I was touched when I saw the video, sis 😭 May Allah reward all those involved in this activity with goodness. Aamiin”

From here we can conclude that trustworthy distribution is very important to ensure that the assistance or donations given can be beneficial for people in need and Rumah Zakat always strives to channel the trust from donors to those who are entitled to receive it in order to ensure that the purpose of the distribution can be achieved properly and to continue to increase trust from the community and donors.