Make This Ramadan the Best

Ramadan is a month of blessings, a month awaited by all Muslims. In this special month, there is a lot of good that can be done because the momentum of fasting in the month of Ramadan is an educational medium for Muslims to practice empathy and sharing. Therefore, Rumah Zakat facilitates donors to share in the month of Ramadan with special programs including Family Food Infaq, Ifthar Sharing, Takjil Sharing, Mosque Prayer Prayer Infaq and Quran Recitation, Debt Free Ramadhan.

Ramadhan Program at Rumah Zakat

The following are our programs

Sharing the Qur'an

Sharing Sahoor

Family Eid Gifts

Radiant Mosque

Family Food Infaq

Mosque prayer mat

Syiar Quran

Sharing the Qur'an

Friends, the Qur’an is the guide for Muslims that should always be read, studied, understood in its meaning, and used as a foundation in daily life. However, not all Muslims have a decent Qur’an; some of them, due to financial constraints, use worn and old Qur’ans.

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

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Bingkisan Lebaran Keluarga

Family Eid Gifts

Thousands of blessings and virtues are also offered during this month. Let’s not miss the opportunity to welcome Ramadan by doing more good deeds. The pandemic still has a significant impact on society, especially for underprivileged families. The prices of basic necessities are rising, and many people are struggling.

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Infak Sembako Keluarga

Family Food Infaq

Whoever feeds a believer until he is satisfied from hunger, Allah will admit him through one of the gates of Paradise that only those like him will enter. (HR. Thabrani) Friends, let’s help the elderly like Mak Ikah and other underprivileged families to meet their needs. The collected charity will be given to Mak Ikah, other elderly individuals, and underprivileged families in need. The aid packages will include rice, oil, canned cookies, syrup, tea, and sardines.

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Berbagi Sahur

Sharing Sahoor

Take sahoor, for in it there is blessing (HR Bukhari: 1923) Prophet Muhammad SAW said that there are many blessings and rewards during suhoor time. Therefore, Rumah Zakat invites friends to participate in sharing and providing suhoor meals for i’tikaf congregants and those in need during the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Insha Allah, those who provide food are highly expected to receive the blessings that come from this act.

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Masjid Berseri

Radiant Mosque

In a hadith, it is mentioned that when Ramadan arrives, the Prophet Muhammad SAW conveyed good news to his companions. He said: “Ramadan has come to you. It is a month full of blessings. Allah has made fasting obligatory for you. During this month, the doors of heaven are opened, the doors of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained. In this month, there is a night that is better than a thousand months. Whoever is deprived of its goodness is truly deprived.” (HR. Ahmad)

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

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Sajadah Masjid

Mosque prayer mat

Rumah Zakat invites friends to engage in ongoing charity through a special program called Sajadah Masjid. This initiative aims to provide new and fragrant prayer rugs for mosques in areas that need them, ensuring that the worship of our fellow Muslims across Indonesia is supported. Insha Allah, every prostration on the donated prayer rugs will contribute to the continuous rewards for those who give the charity. Let’s earn uninterrupted rewards through the Sajadah Masjid program for mosques in regions that need it.

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Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

Portfolios or programs run on this sub program

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Distribution of Beneficiaries


In its implementation, Rumah Zakat has areas and communities in 74 cities and 216 districts in Indonesia, known as Desa Berdaya, each with dedicated facilitators. Currently, there are 1,736 Desa Berdaya regions across Indonesia.