What is Spiritual Capacity Building?
The Spiritual Capacity Building Program is an equitable program that focuses on strengthening the increase in knowledge, abilities and character of human resources, both as individuals and as part of a group/organization. This program includes a village volunteer program, an inland Koran Koran teacher program, as well as a program for developing Muslim converts
Spiritual Capacity Building Program
Following are our programs
Relawan Desa
A series of community assistance activities as an effort to increase the knowledge, abilities and character of human resources, both as individuals and as part of a group/organization. The aim of this program is to increase the knowledge, abilities and character of the beneficiaries. This program is implemented in the community development program (weekly development, taklim assembly, Congregational Subuh Movement)
Guru Ngaji Pedalaman
Da’i sending program to carry out regular coaching and mentoring activities in special areas that need Islamic da’wah assistance. This program is implemented in the form of assistance for worship facilities (renovation of mosques/worship infrastructure, procurement of Al-Qur’an, Iqra’, etc.) for 1 nearby place of worship, support for 1 unit of missionary motorbike, weekly coaching, distribution of basic food aid, taklim assembly
Guidance for Mu'alaf
Mu’alaf development program so that their faith is fostered, the aim of this program is to provide guidance to converts in increasing their Islamic knowledge and faith in order to become a kaffah Muslim. This program is implemented in the form of economic empowerment, distribution of basic food aid for 25 PMs or according to it, advocacy for converts (ex: Shelter House), routine development of converts with the number of PMs adjusted, assistance for worship facilities (renovation of mosques/worship infrastructure, provision of Al -Qur’an, Iqra’, etc.) for 1 nearby place of worship.
Distribution of Beneficiaries
In its implementation, Rumah Zakat has areas and assisted communities in 74 cities and 216 districts in Indonesia called Berdaya Villages which have special facilitator human resources in each region. Now there are 1,736 Empowered Village areas in Indonesia