by | Aug 1, 2024 | Infaq Sedekah EN

The month of Rajab is a month that can be used by Muslims to increase goodness because it is one of the noble months as in the Bukhari and Muslim hadith below: “A year revolves around the way it has been since Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth.

One year has twelve months. Among them there are four haram (holy) months.
The three months in a row are Zulkaidah, Zulhijjah and Muharram. (One more month is) Rajab Mudhar which is located between Jumadil (end) and Sya’ban. Sahal bin Sa’ad narrated that Rasulullah SAW said,

“Remember, in fact the month of Rajab is one of the haram months (which is glorified). In that month, Allah took the Prophet Noah in a boat. He also fasted in the boat and ordered the people with him to also fast. Then Allah saved him from shipwreck, until Allah cleansed the earth from disbelief and disobedience.”

Practices in the Haram Months including the Month of Rajab also have greater rewards as stated by Imam al-Baghawi, Ma’alimut Tanzil fi Tafsiril Qur’an, [Beirut, Darul Ihya’ at-Turats, fourth printing: 1417 AH/1997 AD], juz IV, page: 44).

“Pious deeds have greater (greater) rewards in the haram months (Zulqa’dah, Zulhijjah, Muharram and Rajab). Meanwhile, injustice in that month is (also) greater than injustice in other months.”


From quoting the book Beautiful with Sadaqah by Indriyana R Dani & Muthia Esfand, the month of Rajab is also known as the month of Sadaqah. In this good month, Muslims are encouraged to give more charity. The Sadaqah in question do not always mean material things, but can take the form of other practices such as prayer, fasting, or other acts. Rasulullah SAW said:

“Whoever gives charity in the month of Rajab, Allah keeps him away from hell like the duration of a young crow whose feathers have not yet grown until it dies of old age.”

Quoting the book Heaven’s Advice for Reassuring the Soul by Shaykh ash-Shafuri, from Salman al Farisi too, he narrated that the Prophet SAW said:

“Whoever fasts one day in the month of Rajab, it is as if he fasted for a thousand years and freed a thousand slaves. Whoever gives one Sadaqah in the month of Rajab, it is as if he had given a thousand dinars in charity, Allah wrote a thousand good deeds for every hair on his body, raised a thousand degrees for him, erased a thousand bad deeds. Then Allah wrote a thousand hujjahs, a thousand umrahs, and a thousand palace buildings for every one fast and one Sadaqah that he performed.”


Giving Sadaqah is a practice that can bring multiple rewards and is a practice that can facilitate good fortune for anyone who does it.
Allah SWT says:

“Indeed, those who justify (Allah and His Messenger) both men and women and lend to Allah good loans, their (payment) will surely be multiplied to them; and they will have many rewards.” (QS. Al Hadid: 18)

The rewards of giving Sadaqah are also mentioned in the Koran, Surah Al Baqarah verse 261 which reads

“The parable of (the income spent by) those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is similar to a seed that grows seven spikes, in each spike a hundred seeds. Allah multiplies (rewards) for whom He wills. And Allah is All-Encompassing (His bounty) and All-Knowing.”

That is a summary of the virtues of giving Sadaqah in the month of Rajab that can be achieved by anyone who does it.

Friends can also increase your Sadaqahdeeds in the month of Rajab. Friends can choose various kinds of Sadaqah programs for the month of Rajab at Rumah Zakat, let’s give Sadaqah here.