[:ID]PONTIANAK. Rumah Zakat kembali laksanakan Ekpedisi Superqurban ke daerah terpencil di pulau Kalimantan pada 16 – 18 Maret 2018. kali ini destinasi Ekpedisi adalah Kecamatan Pelapis, Kabupaten Kayong Utara Kalimantan Barat.
“Untuk Menuju Kecamatan Pelapis, kami harus melewati kecamatan sukadana kayong utara, dari kota Pontianak, kami harus menempuh jarak 12 jam perjalanan,” ujar Asrul Putra Nanda, Tim Ekpedisi Superqurban.
Dengan membawa 1000 Kornet Superqurban, Sembako dan makanan tambahan, Tim Ekpedisi menempuh perjalanan darat dan laut. Medan perjalanan yang tak mudah, berkelok – kelok, berlumpur dan berlubang harus ditempuh oleh Tim Ekpedisi, tak hanya itu Tim pun harus menyeberangi Laut dengan speedboat selama 2,5 jam untuk menuju Pulau Pelapis yang terpencil dan berada di tengah laut, bahkan warganya jarang sekali ada yang keluar pulau, selain jaraknya cukup jauh dengan pusat kota biaya yang harus dikeluarkannya pun
“Pulau Pelapis berada di tengah tengah laut, termasuk Pulau Terpencil, kalau warga ingin keluar dari pulau mereka harus menggunakan kapal angkut dengan tarif 100 – 150 ribu dengan 9 jam perjalanan,” tambah Asrul.
Oleh sebab itu mata pencaharian warga sekitar mayoritas nelayan, dan jika cuaca buruk mereka nyaris tidak bisa melaut. Banyak warga memilih tinggal di pesisir pantai beratapkan daun dan kayu karena memudahkan untuk melihat kondisi perairan, juga menyimpan sampan maupun perahu. Tak hanya itu Jaringan telepon selular, maupun teknologi lainnya belum menjangkau pulau ini.
Saat Tim Ekpedisi Tiba, warga antusias dan menyambut Tim Ekpedisi dengan ramah, pun saat Kornet Superqurban dibagikan ke rumah – rumah warga, mereka sangat senang, sebab mereka belum pernah memakan daging.
“Saya belum pernah makan daging” ujar Ramudin (54) warga pulau Pelapis.
Pak Ramudin ini bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan, selain melaut untuk kebutuhan sehari – hari Ia pun sesekali bertani walaupun pendapatan yang di dapatkan nya tidak seberapa, oleh karenanya ia merasa senang ketika ia menerima Kornet Superqurban karena ia dan keluarga akhirnya bisa mencicipi daging.
“Alhamdulilah, kami sudah menyelesaikan amanah mendistribusikan Kornet Superqurban untuk warga Pulau Pelapis, Terimakasih untuk para Donatur yang telah berpartisipasi dalam program Superqurban sehingga warga Kalimantan Barat bisa merasakan daging” tutup Asrul Putra Nada.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PONTIANAK. Rumah Zakat again conducted Superqurban Expedition to remote areas in west Kalimantan on 16 to 18 March 2018. This time the Expedition conducted at Pelapis Island, Kayong Utara District West Kalimantan.
“To get to Pelapis island, we have to pass Kayong Utara sub-district from Pontianak, we have to travel 12 hours trip,” said Asrul Putra Nanda, Superqurban Expedition Team.
By carrying 1000 corned beef, food package and extra food, the Expedition Team traveled by land and sea. An uneasy, twisty, muddy journey must be taken by the Expedition Team, not only that the Team must cross the Sea with a speedboat for 2.5 hours to get to the remote Pelapis Island and located in the middle of the sea, even its citizens rarely go out from island, in addition to the distance is far enough with the city center, the costs that must be spend is also expensive.
“Pelapis Island is in the middle of the sea, including Remote Islands, if people want to get out of the island they have to use a transport boat with a tariff of 100-150 thousand per person with 9 hours of travel,” added Asrul.
Therefore the majority live hood of the residents is fishermen, and if the weather is bad they can barely go to sea. Many residents choose to live on the shore with house made by wood and roofed by leaves because it makes them easy to see the condition of sea, also to store the boat. Not only that the mobile phone network, or other technology has not reached this island.
When the Expedition Team arrived, the residents were enthusiastic and welcomed the Expedition Team friendly, even when Kornet Superqurban was distributed to the residents’ houses, they were very happy because they had never eaten meat.
“I have never eaten meat,” said Ramudin (54) residents of Pelapis Island.
Pak Ramudin is a fisherman, besides fishing for his daily needs. He also occasionally farms, although the income he earns is not much, therefore he is happy when he receives Superqurban corned meat because he and his family can finally taste the meat.
“Thank God, we have completed the mandate of distributing Superqurban corned meat to the citizens of Pelapis Island, Thanks to Donators who have participated in the Superqurban program so that West Kalimantan people can feel the meat” Asrul said.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:]