oleh | Mar 15, 2018 | News

[:ID]SOLOK SELATAN. Curah hujan deras di wilayah solok dan sekitarnya pada (10/03) menyebabkan sungai-sungai meluap dan menggenangi pemukiman warga, bajir kali ini memang tidak terlalu parah seperti yang terjadi di tahun 2015 silam tapi bajir kali ini membuat 400 0rang terdampak, 2 jembatan penghubung antar desa putus dan sekolah – sekolah terendam.

(13/02) Rumah Zakat langsung menugaskan 3 orang relawan menuju lokasi bencana untuk melakukan aksi peduli bencana. Dalam aksi kali ini relawan melakukan assesment dan distribusi langsung logistik untuk warga terdampak.

“Kami menyalurkan logistik berupa 100 Kornet Superqurban, 170 Kg
Beras, 100 ltr, Minyak, 50 kg, Gula, 100 kotak Teh celup, dan 25 pack Hygiene Kit” ujar koordinator Relawan Rumah Zakat Sumatera Barat, Afrinaldi Oscar.

Tak hanya melakukan assesment dan distribusi bantuan, Relawan yang bertugas pun bergotong royong membuat jembatan darurat untuk akses warga.

“Banjir memang sudah surut tapi warga tetap membutuhkan bantuan. Akses warga pun masih terhambat karena jembata terputus oleh karena itu kami bersama warga membuat jembatan darurat,” Tambah Afrinaldi.

Ria Arianti / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]SOUTH SOLOK. Rapid rainfall in solok and surrounding areas (10/03) caused the rivers to overflow and inundate residents house, this time the flood is not too severe as happened in 2015 ago but this time the floods make 400 people affected, 2 bridges connecting inter-village break up and schools submerged.

(13/02) Rumah Zakat directly assigned 3 volunteers to the disaster site to carry out care for disaster action. In this action volunteers make an assessment and direct distribution of logistics for affected residents.

“We distribute logistics in the form of 100 Kornet Superqurban, 170 Kg, Rice, 100 ltr, Oil, 50 kg, Sugar, 100 boxes of Tea Bags and 25 pack Hygiene Kit “said volunteer coordinator of Rumah Zakat West Sumatra, Afrinaldi Oscar.

Not only carried out the assessment and distribution of aid, volunteers also work together to create an emergency bridge for citizens access.

“The flood is already receding but the residents still need help and the people’s access is still hampered because the bridge is cut off and therefore we are together with the residents to make an emergency bridge,” Add Afrinaldi.

Ria Arianti / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]