[:ID]PALU. (03/10) Lima hari pasca gempa dan tsunami yang melanda kota palu, tim relawan Rumah Zakat bergabung dengan Basarnas untuk melakukan evakuasi di kawasan Petobo, Kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.
Ditengah matahari yang terik semangat Relawan tak surut sedikitpun dalam mencari, membantu dan mengevakuasi para korban.
“Kali ini kita akan mencari dan mengevakuasi korban, di daerah petobo bersama tim Basarnas, meski cuaca sangat panas,kita tetap semangat,itulah tujuan kami berada disini”. Ungkap Nurmansyah Relawan Rumah Zakat.
Proses evakuasi korban difokuskan di kawasan Petobo karena kawasan tersebut termasuk pada 3 kawasan yang mengalami kerusakan terparah saat gempa dan tsunami melanda kota palu.
“Kami menurunkan tim disini, karena tempat ini termasuk tempat terparah, dan disini bukan tsunami,tapi tanah yang terlihat seperti air yang mengalir dan menghantam bangunan disekitar sini”. Ujarnya.
Keringat yang menetes ditubuh para relawan dan sar tak sia-sia. Satu persatu jenazah korban ditemukan, bau busuk menyengat tidak patahkan semangat relawan untuk terus mencari dan mengevakuasi korban.
“Kita sudah menemukan satu lagi disini,dan diduga masih banyak korban yang tertimbun disini,kita akan terus mencari,” tambahnya.
Diduga masih banyak korban yang tertimbun, mengingat kawasan tersebut merupakan kawasan yang memiliki penghuni cukup banyak.
“Ada beberapa target kita,namun akses kita sulit, kita harus menunggu tanah ini habis dulu,baru kita bisa cari dan evakuasi korban yang tertimbun”. Tambahnya.
Hingga saat ini sudah lebih dari 1.300 korban yang meninggal akibat gempa dan tsunami yang melanda kota Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.
Candra Kurnia / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]
PALU. (03/10) Five days after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu, the Rumah Zakat volunteer team joined Basarnas to evacuate in the Petobo area, Palu, Central Sulawesi.
Amid the blazing sun the Volunteer spirit did not recede in the slightest in searching, helping and evacuating the victims.
“This time we will search for and evacuate victims, in the Petobo area with the Basarnas team, even though the weather is very hot, we are still enthusiastic, that’s our goal to be here”. Nurmansyah said, volunteer of Rumah Zakat.
The evacuation of victims was focused in the Petobo area because the area was included in the 3 areas that suffered the most damage when the earthquake and tsunami hit the city.
“We brought the team down here, because this place included the worst place, and here is not a tsunami, but a land that looks like water that flows and hits buildings around here”. He said.
Sweat that drips in the bodies of volunteers is not in vain. One by one the bodies of the victims were found, the stinging smell did not break the spirit of volunteers to continue searching and evacuating victims.
“We have found another one here, and it is suspected that there are still many victims buried here, we will continue to search,” he added.
Allegedly there are still many victims buried, considering the area is an area that has quite a lot of residents.
“There are several of our targets, but our access is difficult, we have to wait for this land to run out first, then we can find and evacuate the buried victims,” he added.
Until now, more than 1,300 victims have died from the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu, Central Sulawesi.
Candra Kurnia / Lailatul Istikhomah