PONOROGO. RZ kembali bersinergi bersama Yayasan Masjid Nusantara untuk menebar bantuan renovasi masjid. Pada hari Selasa (25/08) RZ menyalurkan bantuan untuk renovasi masjid Nurul Huda Plebon, Ponorogo, Jawa Timur.
Program perbaikan infrastruktur masjid merupakan hasil kombinasi program RZ bersama YMN untuk menciptakan tempat ibadah bagi umat muslim yang nyaman dan mampu mengundang kekhususan ibadah. Selain program renovasi masjid, RZ pun menginisiasi program Masjidku Merdu bersama yayasan Masjid Nusantara.
“Kami sangat berterimakasih kepada para donatur yang telah ikut berpartisipasi memperbaiki masjid kami, semoga menjadi ladang pahala dan Allah membalasnya dengan dibangunkan rumah di syurga bagi para donatur RZ,” ungkap ustadz Ridho selaku ketua DKM Nurul Huda.***
PONOROGO. To create a comfortable worshiping place, RZ and YMN re-distributed financial assistance for mosque improvement program in Ponorogo, East Java, Tuesday (25/8).
One of the target mosques was Nurul Huda mosque that is located in Plebon. Mosque improvement program is a program that is initiated by Yayasan Masjid Nusantara (YMN), a member of RZ, to create a cozy and comfortable mosque as place of worshiping. On the other hand, YMN and RZ also provide Masjidku Merdu program that focuses on the sound system procurement program.
“We’d like to thank to RZ, YMN and donors for the donation thus we can improve the mosque. Hopefully, it can be a key of favorable things for the donors,” Ustadz Ridho, mosque keeper, said.***