BANJARNEGARA. Berdasarkan apel pagi relawan gabungan tanggap darurat bencana Longsor Desa Clapar Kec. Madukara Kab. Banjarnegara, masa TDB diperpanjang sampai hari Ahad (10/04) lalu. Hal ini didasarkan atas instruksi bupati Banjarnegara dengan pertimbangan situasi kondisi di lokasi. Kondisi tanah saat ini yakni adanya retakan dan semakin meluas.
Tim BPBD masih menunggu assessment dari Geologi terkait kondisi tanah untuk memutuskan langkah selanjutnya. Kegiatan relawan secara keseluruhan yakni : evakuasi dua rumah, pembuatan tanggul irigasi, dropping logistik dan sweeping sampah oleh berbagai elemen.
Pada hari Rabu (06/04) ini, Relawan RZ kembali terjun ke lapangan. “Kegiatan Relawan RZ sejauh ini diantaranya Pendataan logistik dan Dropping logistik ke PMI dan DU Tagana; Rapat Koordinasi dengan Wabup Banjarnegara
; Koordinasi dengan pihak terkait seperti BPBD, relawan lokal, dan Kodim maupun elemen lain mengenai keberlanjutan program pengelolaan sampah di lokasi bencana.
,” jelas Nafi, korlap Relawan RZ.
Adapun beberapa hasil rakor dengan Wabup Banjarnegara, yaitu sebagai berikut :
1) Laporan pengungsi yang mulai sakit dan tidak merasa nyaman di lokasi pengungsian.
2) Usulan penyegeraan pembenahan akses jalan.
3) Perlunya pelibatan masyarakat dalam setiap kegiatan.
4) Koordinasi antara penduduk dengan wabup mengenai shelter
5) Keluhan penduduk terkait status kredit bank di saat kondisi bencana.
6) Pengurusan administrasi kependudukan yang perlu dipersingkat karena lokasi yg jauh
7) Pentignya kejelasan dari tim geologi tentang kondisi tanah di lokasi bencana.
8) Kejelasan tanah yg terdampak agar nantinya tidak terjadi konflik.
9) Pengeringan kolam yang akan berdampak pada perekonomian warga selanjutnya. Sehingga perlu alternantif lain untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi.
Relawan RZ akan terus bersiaga di wilayah bencana untuk menanggulangi bencana juga pasca bencana dengan bersinergi dengan lembaga-lembaga lain. ***
BanjarnegaraBANJARNEGARA. BeAccording to joint Morning Roll Call of volunteer of emergency response to landslide in Clapar Village Madukara district Banjarnegara regency, emergency response period was extended until Sunday (10/04). It is based on instruction of Banjarnegara regent with consideration site conditions situation which is there is a soil cracks and increasingly widespread.
BPBDs team (Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management) would have to wait for the assessment of Geology related to soils condition to decide the next step. Volunteer activities consist of: evacuation of two homes, irrigation dike manufacture, logistics distribution and sweeping the litter by various elements.
On Wednesday (06/04), RZ’s Volunteer back into the site, “So far, RZ’s Volunteer activities include Data Collection of logistics and logistics dropping to PMI and DU Tagana, Coordination Meeting with the Vice of Banjarnegara, Coordination with related parties such as BPBDs, local volunteers, and Kodim and other elements about the sustainability of waste management programs in the disaster area.
, “Said Nafi, RZ Volunteer coordinator.
As for some of the results of the coordination meetings with the Vice Regent of Banjarnegara, as follows:
1) Report of refugees who begin to be sick and do not feel comfortable in refugee camps.
2) The proposal to reorganize the road access as soon as possible.
3) The need for community involvement in each activity.
4) Coordination between the residents and the Regent abut shelter
5) Complaints regarding the status of bank during the catastrophic conditions.
6) demographic administration that need to be shortened because of the distance
7) Clear information from geological team on the soil conditions at the disaster site.
8) Clarity of land which affected so no conflict arises in the future.
9) Drying pond that will bring impact on the economy in the future. Another alternative is necessary for economic empowerment.
RZ Volunteers will continue to standby in the affected areas to cope with the disaster and also after disaster as well as built a synergy with other institutions. ***