[:ID]SRAGEN, (09/11) – Desa Pagak adalah salah satu desa di Kecamatan Sumberlawang, Kabupaten Sragen yang mengalami kekeringan. Lebih dari separuh penduduknya mengalami kesulitan air bersih. Dari berbagai pihak telah berusaha membantu mengatasi dampak kekeringan ini baik itu lembaga swasta maupun pemerintah.
Rumah Zakat sebagai suatu lembaga filantropi yang mengelola zakat infaq dan sedekah dan bantuan sosial lainnya juga tidak ketinggalan dalam usaha untuk membantu meringankan kesulitan warga di Desa Pagak, Kecamatan Sumberlawang. Pada hari Sabtu tanggal 9 November 2019 Rumah Zakat mengirimkan 5 truk tangki air bersih berkapasitas 8000 liter ke Desa Pagak.
Bantuan air bersih tersebut disebar ke seluruh titik yang mengalami dampak kekeringan. Ada 10 titik tandon air yang mencakup kurang lebih 20 RT di wilayah Desa Pagak. SMS Suprihatin warga Desa Pagak yang membantu tim Rumah Zakat menyampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Rumah Zakat yang telah perhatian memberi bantuan air bersih kepada warga Desa Pagak.
“Alhamdulillah ada kiriman air dari Rumah Zakat sudah beberapa hari kiriman air berkurang mungkin karena sudah hujan di kira kami sudah tidak kesulitan air bersih padahal sumur-sumur kami masih kering dan hujan juga belum intens turun” ungkap Ibu Supriatin. Beliau berharap Rumah Zakat bisa mengusahakan bantuan sumur agar kebutuhan air bersih warga Desa Pagak bisa terpenuhi dengan baik. “Terima kasih Rumah Zakat,” Pungkasnya.
Hasun / Hanaa Afifah[:en]
SRAGEN, (09/11) – Pagak Village is one of the villages in Sumberlawang District, Sragen Regency which is experiencing drought. More than half of the population experiences water shortages. From various parties have tried to help overcome the effects of this drought, both private and government institutions.
Rumah Zakat as a philanthropic institution that manages zakat infaq and alms and other social assistance is also not left behind in efforts to help alleviate the difficulties of residents in Pagak Village, Sumberlawang District. On Saturday, November 9, 2019 Rumah Zakat sent 5 clean water tank trucks with a capacity of 8000 liters to Pagak village.
The clean water assistance was distributed to all points affected by drought. There are 10 water reservoirs that cover approximately 20 RTs in the Pagak Village area. SMS Supriatin a resident of Pagak Village who helped Rumah Zakat team expresses his gratitude to the Rumah Zakat who had been concerned and provided clean water assistance to the residents of Pagak Village.
“Alhamdulillah there has been a shipment of clean water from Rumah Zakat, after a few days the shipment of water has been reduced, perhaps because it had rained people think we have no difficulty in getting clean water even though our wells are still dry and the rain is not intense yet,” said Mrs. Supriatin. He hoped that Rumah Zakat could try to help with building a well so that the clean water needs of the residents of Pagak Village could be met properly. “Thank you, Rumah Zakat,” he concluded.
Hasan / Hanaa Afifah[:]