[:ID]CIREBON. Selain kegiatan Posyandu Lansia, Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) dan RZ juga melaksanakan kegiatan Posyandu Balita di tempat yang sama di ICD Kebonbaru RW 06 Tanda Barat kota Cirebon pada (06/10). Sebanyak 30 balita menjadi peserta dalam Posyandu kali ini. Kegiatan Posyandu yang bekerja sama dengan Puskesmas Nelayan ini dimulai sejak pukul 10.00 WIB.
Tidak seperti Posyandu Balita pada umumnya, kali ini para bidan menambahkan agenda bermain di sela-sela kegiatan pemeriksaan. “Sebelum pendaftaran Posyandu, para balita dipersilahkan untuk bermain bersama di sekitar Puskesmas. Hal ini bertujuan agar balita tidak takut ketika hendak diperiksa.” tutur Nurul Hidayah.
Acara berlangsung dengan lancar hingga pukul 14.00 WIB. Alhamdulillah, hasil pemeriksaan balita di ICD Kebonbaru semua sehat dan normal. Setelah kegiatan selesai, para balita diberi makanan tambahan berupa susu UHT.
Newsroom/Nurul Rahayu
Cirebon[:en]CIREBON. Besides Posyandu for Elderly, Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) and RZ also conducted Posyandu for toddler at the same place in ICD Kebonbaru RW 06 Tanda Barat Cirebon on Thursday (06/10). A total of 30 toddler s participated in Posyandu this time. Posyandu activities in collaboration with Nelayan health centers started at 10.00 am.
Unlike Posyandu for toddler in general, this time midwives added the play time in the sidelines of the inspection. “Prior to registration of Posyandu, the toddlers are welcome to play together around the health center. It is intended that toddlers are not afraid when they wanted to be checked. “Said Nurul Hidayah.
The event took place smoothly until 02:00 pm. Alhamdulillah, the results of a toddler in ICD Kebonbaru all healthy and normal. Once the activity is completed, the toddler was given extra food in the form UHT milk.
Newsroom/Nurul Rahayu